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On 20 January 1649, Charles I, King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland was to stand trial by the Rump Parliament according to history books. (PROSE: The Roundheads)

On 20 January 1941, Jack Harkness and Toshiko Sato met the real Jack Harkness at the Ritz in Cardiff. (TV: Captain Jack Harkness) A younger version of "Captain Jack" was in London on the very same night. According to a detailed search of UK records performed by Gwen Cooper's police colleague, Yvonne, Captain Jack Harkness failed to report for duty on the morning of 21 January 1941, and he was never heard from again. (TV: Everything Changes)

In 1920, Toshiko Sato's grandfather was born in Japan. (TV: Captain Jack Harkness)

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