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This article about a day of the year is currently under construction. It's likely to be a bit messy.
On 12月7日, the following important behind-the-scenes events were known to have occurred:
- 1976 - Studio filming for The Robots of Death took place. (REF: Doctor Who The Handbook: The Fourth Doctor)
- 1977 - OB filming for The Invasion of Time took place. (REF: Doctor Who The Handbook: The Fourth Doctor)
- 2005 - Rewrites for Army of Ghosts known as "blue revisions" and for Doomsday known as "yellow rewrites" covered the activation of the Genesis Ark, the Tenth Doctor's return from Pete's World through to the adjustment of Jake Simmonds' gun and the sequence with the Doctor and Rose Tyler cut off from one another in the two Torchwood Tower lever rooms after the gap between worlds was closed. (DWMSE 14)
- 2010 - The Big Finish audio story The Rocket Men was recorded at the Moat Studios.
- 2021 - Big Finish announced the audio drama The Annihilators.
- 2021 - Big Finish's Gallifrey: War Room audio anthology Allegiance was recorded.