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2023年11月8日 (三) 14:36的最新版本

16世纪 | 1580年代

1582年 • 1584年 • 1585年 • 1586年 • 1587年 • 1589年 • 1590年 • 1591年 • 1592年 • 1593年 • 1594年
File:London 1588.jpg
The TARDIS materialises in London, 1588. (COMIC: The Doctor and the Nurse)

In 1588, a butterfly was released by an agent of the Council of Eight. This led to a storm being created which sank the Spanish Armada. Octan was killed by the agent accidentally just prior to it letting the butterfly go. (PROSE: Sometime Never...)

The Fourth Doctor and Leela encountered the Vituperon in London. (AUDIO: The Devil's Armada)

The Spanish Armada, which was launched from Calais and massed in the English Channel, was defeated by England. (AUDIO: The Flames of Cadiz, The Devil's Armada) The Fourth Doctor and Leela were present for the battle. (AUDIO: The Devil's Armada)

The Spanish Inquisition was also in full swing, as the time traveller John Bentley personally got to experience. (COMIC: Dr. Who's Time Tales)

An incarnation of the Doctor was playing bowls with Francis Drake when Drake was called away to fight the Spanish Armada. The Doctor let Drake win so he could get away to join the fight. In 1603, the year of her death, Elizabeth I told the Seventh Doctor that this act "saved our realm." (PROSE: Birthright)

John Whiteside-Smith, an ancestor of the Sixth Doctor's companion Evelyn Smythe, played a role in the defeat of the Spanish Armada. (AUDIO: The Marian Conspiracy)

The Eleventh Doctor and Rory Williams briefly visited London. (COMIC: The Doctor and the Nurse)
