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於 2023年11月8日 (三) 14:57 的最新修訂

19世紀 | 1860年代

1863年 • 1864年 • 1865年 • 1866年 • 1867年 • 1868年 • 1870年 • 1871年 • 1872年 • 1873年 • 1874年 • 1875年

On 12月24日 1869, the Gelth attempted to conquer the Earth.

The Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler arrived on 12月24日 and met Charles Dickens in Cardiff. After discovering the plight of the Gelth, Gwyneth allowed them through a weak point in the Cardiff Rift, but died in doing so. Though dead, she lit a match, trapping the Gelth inside the Rift in an explosion after their intentions were revealed. (TV: The Unquiet Dead)

Captain Jack Harkness, having recently been revived by Rose Tyler as the Bad Wolf following an encounter with the Daleks, (TV: The Parting of the Ways) accidentally travelled back from 200,101 to 1869. He had planned to go to the 21st century, when his vortex manipulator malfunctioned. Having become immortal, Jack spent over a hundred years on Earth, waiting for a chance to reunite with the Tenth Doctor. (TV: Utopia, AUDIO: The Year After I Died)

Also in this year, Suresh Parekh saw Susan in Bombay, India, looking for her grandfather. The Doctor had been rendered incorporeal whilst repairing his TARDIS, drifting through time and appearing to be a ghost. (PROSE: Indian Summer)

The HMS Hades was decommissioned before being bought by Sir Henry Montague. (PROSE: The Baby Farmers)

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