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2023年11月8日 (三) 14:58的最新版本


DWU • 生命统计

19世纪 | 1870年代

1873年 • 1874年 • 1875年 • 1876年 • 1877年 • 1878年 • 1880年 • 1881年 • 1882年 • 1883年 • 1884年 • 1885年

In 1879, recorded as 19K7.9 by the 43rd century dating system, (AUDIO: The Torchwood Archive) the Torchwood Institute was founded (TV: The New World, Day One) to protect the British Empire (later Great Britain) from extraterrestrial threats and to secure alien technology for Britain. (TV: Tooth and Claw, Army of Ghosts) The Extraordinary Circumstances Act of 1879 was passed. (AUDIO: The Death of Captain Jack)

File:Ten rose knighted.jpg
Victoria knights the Doctor and Rose - before banishing them. (TV: Tooth and Claw)

On 10月23日, (PROSE: Judge, Jury and Executioner) the Tenth Doctor and Rose Tyler visited Torchwood House in the company of Queen Victoria. There, they encountered a Lupine Wavelength Haemovariform. The Doctor killed it with the Koh-i-Noor and a light chamber, but not before it scratched the Queen, possibly infecting her. (TV: Tooth and Claw)

On Sunday, 12月28日, the Tay Bridge collapsed. A train which was on the bridge fell into the water below and all of its passengers died. Two of the casualties, Wullie Cairns and Joe Logue, were soldiers from 1916 sent back in time by a Weeping Angel.

On 12月29日, The Dundee Herald published an article on the crash. (COMIC: The Weeping Angels of Mons)

Undated events

Later, when Rose-the-Cat began to pilot the TARDIS to various locations, she visited Paris, France in this year. (COMIC: A Rose by Any Other Name)

The British-Zulu war was fought between the British Empire and the Zulu in South Africa. (COMIC: The Weeping Angels of Mons)
