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於 2023年11月8日 (三) 15:00 的最新修訂


DWU • 生命統計

20世紀 | 1900年代

1897年 • 1898年 • 1899年 • 1900年 • 1901年 • 1902年 • 1904年 • 1905年 • 1906年 • 1907年 • 1908年 • 1909年

In 1903, Mnemosyne and her master landed on Earth. The humans of London killed Mnemosyne's master. Mnemosyne hid in the London Underground until 2009. (COMIC: Ghosts of the Northern Line)

The First Doctor, Ian Chesterton, Barbara Wright and Susan Foreman visited Zarechny, Siberia in Russia, where they met Grigori Rasputin. At the time, Nicholas II was the Tsar of Russia. (AUDIO: The Wanderer)

In an alternate timeline, the Daleks invaded Earth, but were defeated by the British Empire with the aid of the Sixth Doctor. The Empire then used Dalek technology and knowledge from the surviving Daleks to conquer Earth. (AUDIO: Jubilee)

The Scottish National Antarctic Expedition arrived at Laurie Island, Antarctica. The expedition was visited by the Second Doctor, Jamie McCrimmon and Zoe Heriot. (PROSE: Mirth, or Walking Spirits)

12月17日 1903 was the date of the "historic" flight of the first aeroplane by the Wright brothers, landing in Kitty Hawk. It was observed by time-traveller Albert Cragg as he tested his time cabinet. (COMIC: Dr. Who's Time Tales)

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