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2023年11月8日 (三) 15:02的最新版本


DWU • 生命统计

20世纪 | 1930年代

1931年 • 1932年 • 1933年 • 1934年 • 1935年 • 1936年 • 1938年 • 1939年 • 1940年 • 1941年 • 1942年 • 1943年

1937 saw the Eighth Doctor, Anji Kapoor and Fitz Kreiner visit Spain in the midst of the Spanish Civil War. Anji and the Doctor stayed in Barcelona and became involved with a group of anarchists. Fitz visited Guernica, Spain and witnessed the town's destruction at the hands of the Luftwaffe, the first real case of total war.

The Doctor identified the Absolute as the cause of disruptions in history and stopped him from causing any more problems. (PROSE: History 101)

Dated events

In July, Japanese forces engineered a fight between the Chinese at Marco Polo Bridge in order to justify further Japanese expansion into China. This forced both governments onto a war footing, bringing war to Asia two years before it began in Europe.

In August, the Fourth Doctor, Romana and K9 visited Shanghai while searching for the Key to Time. While there, they defeated Hsien-Ko Chang's plans to bring back Magnus Greel. (PROSE: The Shadow of Weng-Chiang)

On 4月6日, Alan Ellis was born. (TV: Out of Time)

On 10月28日, Anne Travers was born. (PROSE: One Cold Step)

Undated events

Nancy gave birth to Jamie. Being an unwed teenaged mother, she pretended that Jamie was her younger brother. (TV: The Doctor Dances)

Clara Oswald and the Twelfth Doctor had a dinner date in Berlin, which involved some pudding. (TV: Kill the Moon)

Tom and Alice Wake were married. (PROSE: The Hopes and Fears of All the Years)

When he and Donna Noble arrived in Calcutta in 1947, the Tenth Doctor initially believed that it was 1937. (PROSE: Ghosts of India)
