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DWU • 生命統計

20世紀 | 1950年代

1948年 • 1949年 • 1950年 • 1951年 • 1952年 • 1953年 • 1955年 • 1956年 • 1957年 • 1958年 • 1959年 • 1960年

On 9月15日 1954, Pete Tyler was born. (TV: Father's Day) A counterpart of Pete was also born in a parallel universe. (AUDIO: The Endless Night)

On 11月9日, the First Doctor brought his granddaughter Susan Foreman, Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright to Bristol from Salem Village on 7月29日 1692. They watched a performance of The Crucible by Arthur Miller and Susan learned about the witch hysteria in Salem which she had helped to cause. (PROSE: The Witch Hunters)

Undated events

The Seventh Doctor and Ace encountered Cybermen in Nevada. (COMIC: The Good Soldier)

Tulung was born in Alaska to an archaeologist from Colorado and a Koyukon woman. (AUDIO: The Land of the Dead)

Barbara Wright was a student teacher in Cricklewood in London, living in a rented room. (PROSE: The Witch Hunters)

Joss Laws was born. (PROSE: The Wheel of Ice)

Winston Churchill was serving as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. (PROSE: The Witch Hunters)

Bo Didley recorded the song "Mona" in a studio in Chicago. (PROSE: Cat's Cradle: Warhead)

All countries on E364449 except China regarded 1954 as the apex of human society. (PROSE: All the Fun of the Fear)

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