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20世紀 | 1990年代

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1991 was notable for being the year when three inches of steel protected all of the walls of the Cabinet Room inside 10 Downing Street. (TV: World War Three)

Dated events

On 4 May, Captain Therése Gavalle was found at an airport in Nice, France, taking a flight to Switzerland. She had no memory of what had happened to her since her disappearance in Réunion in 1988. (PROSE: Instruments of Darkness)

On 23 July, Melanie Bush returned to Brighton after travelling with the Doctor and Sabalom Glitz. (PROSE: Missing, Part One: Business as Usual)

On 1 September, Uzbekistan gained its independence from the Soviet Union. (AUDIO: Brave New Town)

Undated events

Aubrey Prior burned down Kenilworth's house. (PROSE: The Sands of Time)

Shaun Brett hired Monica Lewis to aid in building a monument to his deceased father in Alaska. (AUDIO: The Land of the Dead)

Jenny Winterleaf wandered onto Iris Wildthyme's Celestial Omnibus when it was parked in Sunderland. Wildthyme left Earth before Jenny could get out and the two began travelling together. (PROSE: The Dreadful Flap)

George Smithers' wife died of lung cancer. (PROSE: Invasion of the Cat-People)

The Seventh Doctor, Ace and Mel visited Merseyside. (AUDIO: The Blood Furnace)

The tech company VOR was founded. (TV: Spyfall)

Future P.R.O.B.E. director Giles's sister Sandra married Harry King. Shortly after the wedding, Giles and Sandra fell out, with their disagreement persisting for over twenty years afterwards, despite periodic attempts from Giles to make up with her. (AUDIO: Broken Bonds)

rewboss met the Ninth Doctor at the fall of the Wall in 1989, where the Doctor remarked about meeting rewboss again. rewboss later met the Doctor in Wolverhampton in 1991, but the Doctor failed to recognise him, and rewboss suspected that the Doctor had merely forgot about him over the course of a few years. rewboss later wrote about this on the whoisdoctorwho.co.uk website in 2005. (PROSE: Have You Seen This Man?)

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