

21世纪 | 2070年代

2070年 • 2071年 • 2074年 • 2075年 • 2079年 • 2080年 • 2082年

In 2076, Benedict Summerfield II was born. (PROSE: Dead Romance)

Gemma Corwyn's husband died in an asteroid belt. (TV: The Wheel in Space)

In a dream crab induced shared dream between the two of them, the Twelfth Doctor returned to Clara Oswald at Christmastime, sixty-two years after their last meeting. (TV: Death in Heaven) The elderly Clara enjoyed a festive catchup with her old friend, as the Doctor wished he could have come back for her earlier; when Santa Claus suddenly appeared, asking the Doctor just how much he wished that, the Doctor awoke from the dream, before returning to Clara and removing the dream crab from her face. (TV: Last Christmas)

According to a note attached to a jar of sealing wax kept on the Dr Smith shelf, the jar's usefulness would become apparent in 2076. It was one of many seemingly-innocuous items that were kept on the Dr Smith shelf until they became useful, as part of various time travel gambits. (PROSE: Out of the Box)
