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上世紀:26世紀 下世紀:28世紀


The early years of the 27th century were home to Bernice Summerfield. She had many adventures in these decades; at various times based at the Braxiatel Collection, (PROSE: The Squire's Crystal, et al) working independently, (AUDIO: Beyond the Sea, et al) and based on Legion. (AUDIO: Vesuvius Falling, et al)

Also during this time the Earth Empire was engaged in conflicts across Dravidian space. (AUDIO: The Whispering Forest)

Korven time-travelled from the 27th century to 2050 to kidnap Professor Alistair Gryffen to learn about a cooling device. (TVThe Korven)

A Haitian deciphered the Rihanssu language, allowing a peace treaty to be drawn up and ending an interstellar war with Earth. (PROSE: White Darkness)

Hilberta's Hostel operated in Vienna in this century. (PROSE: The Brakespeare Voyage)

The Time Lords' identified the Daleks' Exxilon Gambit as taking place in the late 27th century. (PROSE: Dalek Combat Training Manual) This was the final act of the Third Dalek War, (PROSE: The Secret Lives of Monsters) and was followed by a full-scale Dalek invasion of the galaxy which was opposed by the Combined Galactic Resistance. (PROSE: Dalek: The Astounding Untold History of the Greatest Enemies of the Universe)

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