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BotPawPatrol移动页面29 March3月29日:​脚本批量移动页面

於 2022年12月16日 (五) 01:27 的修訂

On Friday 29 March 1963, when Games class was called off due to frozen pipes disabling the showers, the female fourth year students of Coal Hill School listened and danced to songs like "Bobby's Girl", "Breaking Up is Hard to Do", "Christmas Caroline" and "Love Me Do" in the assembly hall. Susan Foreman, not joining them, instead played Snakes & Ladders.

Meanwhile, the First Doctor was curious about the extreme cold in late March. At that point, even his TARDIS was freezing over. (PROSE: Time and Relative)

On the same day, the 17-year-old Lizzie Lewis was raped and murdered by Ed Morgan on Penfro Street under the bridge. (TV: Ghost Machine)

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