

(重定向自46th century
上世纪:45世纪 下世纪:47世纪


The 46th century saw advancements in cloning technology, with clonodating being considered "cutting-edge".

The Vatican was still a significant power. One Pope of this era was a clone grown from the DNA taken from one of St Peter's fingernails. N-v23 once tried to steal the Turin Shroud from the Vatican.

Legends of Bernice Summerfield existed into this century; although by this time, they were vague and contradictory. An archaeological expedition to discover Summerfield's remains was undertaken by Stev Grayson, Kent, Gould, and N-v23. An elderly Bernice Summerfield joined this expedition without any of the others realising her true identity. (PROSE: Paydirt)

Dalek-Movellan War

The Daleks were embroiled in a war with the Movellans, as according to the Time Lords their attempted retrieval of Davros from the ruins of Skaro to break the logical stalemate the war had become took place in the 46th century. (PROSE: Dalek Combat Training Manual) The retrieval of Davros was complicated by a rival Movellan expedition and the interference of the Fourth Doctor and Romana, who led the Daleks' human slaves to rebel, seizing the Movellan ship and Davros, who they placed in suspended animation. (TV: Destiny of the Daleks) Davros was handed over to the custody of the Earth Protection Corps, a successor to the Space Security Service. Davros nearly escaped when the ship transporting him crash landed on Kembel, having fallen foul of battling Dalek and Movellan forces after slowing to rescue the Tenth Doctor and Anya Kingdom, (AUDIO: The Dalek Defence) however Earth Protection forces subsequently recaptured him. (AUDIO: The Triumph of Davros) Davros was sentenced by humanity to remain in suspended animation. In the meantime the Daleks lost their war with the Movellans due to them developing a virus that was fatal to Dalek mutants. (TV: Resurrection of the Daleks)

In 4590, (PROSE: Resurrection of the Daleks) 90 years after the expedition to Skaro, the Supreme Dalek led an effort to rescue Davros in the hopes he might provide a cure for the Movellan virus. Davros instead deemed his creations failures and turned against them, wanting to start again. (TV: Resurrection of the Daleks) This schism would lead to Davros founding his own faction of Daleks in the next century, (TV: Revelation of the Daleks, PROSE: Dalek Combat Training Manual) culminating in the Imperial-Renegade Dalek Civil War. (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks)
