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This article about a day of the year is currently under construction. It's likely to be a bit messy.
On 5月25日, the following important behind-the-scenes events were known to have occurred:
- 1966 - Location filming for The War Machines continued, with the backlot of Ealing Studios doubling as a market. (TCH 8)
- 1971 - Malcolm Hulke was commissioned to write The Sea Devils. (INFO: The Sea Devils)
- 1977 - Studio filming for Horror of Fang Rock took place at Pebble Mill. (REF: Doctor Who The Handbook: The Fourth Doctor)
- 1990 - Filming for Search Out Space took place at Ealing Studios. (Doctor Who The Handbook: The Seventh Doctor)
- 1993 - The BBC Radio 5 Live audio The Paradise of Death was recorded at Maida Vale 6. (REF: Doctor Who The Handbook: The Third Doctor)
- 2008 - Big Finish's Iris Wildthyme audio stories The Two Irises and The Panda Invasion were recorded at the Moat Studios.
- 2016 - Big Finish's audio adaptation of the novel Cold Fusion was recorded at the Moat Studios.
- 2016 - Big Finish's Torchwood - Special Releases audio story Outbreak was announced.
- 2022 - Big Finish confirmed the return of the Autons for The Diary of River Song audio anthology Two Rivers and a Firewall.
- 2022 - Big Finish's UNIT: The New Series - Nemesis audio anthology Objective: Earth was recorded.