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(重新導向自53rd century
上世紀:52世紀 下世紀:54世紀


File:Special Weapons Dalek army.jpg
An army of Special Weapons Daleks. (COMIC: Fire and Brimstone)

In the 53rd century, the Daleks, led by the Dalek Supreme, seized control of the Cauldron. The Threshold, having been hired by Rassilon and his fellow High Evolutionaries, opposed them, but failed at the last minute. The Eighth Doctor and his companion Izzy Sinclair were able to close the wormhole, while the Daleks were destroyed by a swarm of Daleks from a parallel universe which was caused because both factions considered the other impure. (COMIC: Fire and Brimstone)

The Fifth Doctor intended to take Adric, Nyssa and Tegan Jovanka to Gallius Ultima in this century but they instead arrived in the 54th century. (AUDIO: The Star Men)

The Ninth Doctor was, after framing himself for the alleged murder of Tara Mishra, imprisoned at Hesguard Institute in this century to be "cured" of his negative thoughts via Sin-Eaters. (COMIC: Sin-Eaters)

After arriving on the SS Berry Gordy, the Twelfth Doctor and Clara saved pop-star India Summer from being kidnapped by a band of Skinks hired by her manager, Gavor Vek-Haart. (COMICHyperballad)

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