On 6月1日, the following important behind-the-scenes events were known to have occurred:
- 1972 - Location filming for Carnival of Monsters took place. (REF: Doctor Who The Handbook: The Third Doctor)
- 1982 - Studio filming for Arc of Infinity took place at BBC Television Centre studio 1. (REF: Doctor Who The Handbook: The Fifth Doctor)
- 1984 - Location filming for Attack of the Cybermen took place. (REF: Doctor Who The Handbook: The Sixth Doctor)
- 1989 - Studio filming for Battlefield took place at BBC Television Centre Studio 3. (Doctor Who The Handbook: The Seventh Doctor)
- 2004 - The Big Finish audio story A Storm of Angels was recorded at the Moat Studios.
- 2006 - The Big Finish audio story Red was recorded at the Moat Studios.
- 2008 - Big Finish's Bernice Summerfield audio story The Diet of Worms was recorded.
- 2012 - The Big Finish audio anthology Dark Eyes was recorded at the Moat Studios.
- 2013 - The BBC announced to the public that Matt Smith would be leaving the role of the Eleventh Doctor following the 2013 Christmas special.
- 2013 - Annual Sydney event Vivid Sydney celebrated Doctor Who's fiftieth anniversary by projecting a 3D Who show onto Customs House, attracting "hundreds".
- 2016 - The Big Finish audio story Absolute Power was recorded at the Moat Studios.
- 2016 - Big Finish's audio anthology The Third Doctor Adventures: Volume 2 was recorded.
- 2017 - The Big Finish audio story The Middle was recorded at the Moat Studios.