On 6月15日, the following important behind-the-scenes events were known to have occurred:
- 1964 - The scenes of the First Doctor walking through the French countryside from "Guests of Madame Guillotine" were pre-filmed. This was the first location filming ever conducted for Doctor Who. (INFO: "Guests of Madame Guillotine")
- 1967 - Pre-filming for The Tomb of the Cybermen continued at Ealing Studios Stage 2. (TCH 10)
- 1977 - Location filming for The Sun Makers took place. (REF: Doctor Who The Handbook: The Fourth Doctor)
- 1978 - Location filming for The Stones of Blood took place. (REF: Doctor Who The Handbook: The Fourth Doctor)
- 1979 - Location filming for Destiny of the Daleks took place. (REF: Doctor Who The Handbook: The Fourth Doctor)
- 1986 - Location filming for Mindwarp took place. (REF: Doctor Who The Handbook: The Sixth Doctor)
- 1969 - Script editor Terrance Dicks commissioned a serial named The Monster — later known as Doctor Who and the Silurians — from Malcolm Hulke.
- 1976 - Location filming for The Hand of Fear took place. (REF: Doctor Who The Handbook: The Fourth Doctor)
- 1988 - Location filming for The Greatest Show in the Galaxy took place. (Doctor Who The Handbook: The Seventh Doctor)
- 1989 - Location filming for Survival took place. (Doctor Who The Handbook: The Seventh Doctor)
- 2005 - After The Runaway Bride was pushed back to become the Christmas special, Russell commissioned himself Queen Victoria, based on an earlier treatment to fill the gap. The script, eventually becoming Tooth and Claw, was written hastily to allow for pre-production in late July. (DWMSE 14)
- 2009 - The Big Finish audio story Castle of Fear was recorded at the Moat Studios.
- 2011 - The BBC, through BBC One controller Danny Cohen, confirmed that the recently commissioned series 7 would air over two years - 2012 and 2013.
- 2011 - The Big Finish audio story The Fourth Wall took place at the Moat Studios.
- 2014 - Big Finish's audio anthology The Worlds of Big Finish was recorded at the Moat Studios.
- 2017 - Big Finish's UNIT: The New Series audio anthology Encounters was recorded at the Moat Studios.
- 2018 - Big Finish's audio anthology Ravenous 2 was recorded at the Moat Studios.
- 2021 - Big Finish's The Diary of River Song audio anthology New Recruit was recorded at the Soundhouse.