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於 2022年12月17日 (六) 17:50 由 wikia:tardis>BotPawPatrol 所做的修訂 (BotPawPatrol移动页面60126012年:​脚本批量移动页面)

• 6013年

In 6012, the joint human-Hath colonisation of the planet Messaline turned into a short war. It lasted only seven days — from their arrival on 17 July to the Tenth Doctor's intervention on the 24th — but involved many generations of clone soldiers, including Jenny. Eventually the survivors, with little memory of their roots, came to a ceasefire and began colonising the planet. (TV: The Doctor's Daughter)

After the Doctor and Donna Noble left Messaline, believing Jenny to be dead, Jenny revived herself and stole a shuttlecraft to go and explore the universe. Shortly after she left the planet she discovered that her ship was running out of fuel. She spent six hours rewiring the ship's shields to create a wormhole generator, which allowed her to travel farther with her limited fuel. (COMIC: The Lost Dimension)

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