Omega是Gallifrey历史中最重要的人物之一。他出现在ROO文稿中,后来的Gallifrey学者如此称呼他们,同时还有Rassilon和the Other。(小说:Goth Opera,The Infinity Doctors)
Omega原名为“Peylix”,(广播剧:Omega)在他与Rassilon出生的时代,Gallifrey文明正向外扩张,完善更先进的星际旅行,引导较低等文明的发展,并奉自己为神。Gallifrey上只有Rassilon和Omega在深入思考Gallifrey的未来和命运。(小说:The Legacy of Gallifrey)他也被人称作“工程师”。(小说:Interference: Shock Tactics)
Rassilon和Omega成为了朋友,Rassilion甚至允许Omega叫他“Rass”,然而Rassilon也对他的朋友不屑一顾,(广播剧:Omega)他曾经称Rassilon为自己的“堂兄”,(小说:Remembrance of the Daleks)这个词语用来描述来自于同一个家族的Gallifrey人。(小说:Lungbarrow)Pylix在得到“Omega等级”的理论最低成绩后,只剩下“Omega”这个绰号,原因是他写了一篇论文,探索引爆一颗恒星为Gallifrey增加能源的可能性,并利用其产生的能量进行时间旅行。他的老师,Luvis,认为这个计划“疯狂且完全愚蠢”,然后让Omega成为得到该分数的第一个人,Rassilon认为这个新绰号给了Omega名望,让他被公众所知。(广播剧:Omega)
Rassilon和Omega成为了恒星工程师,Gallifrey上受人尊敬的科学家。当Rassilon追求永生时,Omega相信永生是不可能的,他转而研究时间旅行。(小说:The Legacy of Gallifrey)尽管他在这门课程的论文得到了Omega等级,(广播剧:Omega)Omega和Rassilon经过几年的研究,最终制定了引爆黑洞并把能量传输回Gallifey的最终方案,他们准备在Gallifrey议会上展示。起初议会对他们不屑一顾,但Tussan的猫公开表示对这两位工程师的支持,他们得到了所需的资金。(小说:The Legacy of Gallifrey)
根据Omega一段不可靠的记忆,当时他还希望以自己的本名“Peylix”被人周知,只有在Rassilon领导了一场确保他们在Gallifrey上权力的革命后,Omega和Rassiolon才得以开始他们的实验。尽管Omega恳求Rassilon停止这一切,他的朋友坚持这是唯一的方法以除掉那些反对他们进步的人。在此之后,Rassilon成为一名政客,而Omega仍是一名科学家。(广播剧:Omega)根据另一种说法,当Omega和Rassilon开始进行时间旅行实验时,他们都已经是高级议会的成员。(小说:A Brief History of Time Lords)第十一任博士后来描述Rassilon为“Omega的上司”。(漫画:The Lost Dimension)
当他最后一次实验和“死亡”时,Omega嫁给了一位叫做Patience的时间领主。(小说:The Infinity Doctors)他写下了Tantalus之眼的秘密。(小说:Engines of War)
与Rassilon一起,Omega在活金属Validium的创造中发挥了重要作用。(电视剧:Silver Nemesis;小说:A Brief History of Time Lords)Omega在Gallifrey上比Rassilon更受民众欢迎;Rassilon是一名政客并被大众厌恶,然而Omega成为了一名公众英雄。(小说:The Legacy of Gallifrey;广播剧:Omega)尽管如此,在多年以后,两人都成为了受人爱戴的公众英雄。据记载,Omega渴望他们的人民随着时间的推移建立更强的帝国,而Rassilon和The Other一样,更为谨慎,(小说:Remembrance of the Daleks)但Omega的记忆暗示他们的角色互换了,Rassilon渴求权力而Omega更谨慎。(广播剧:Omega)
在The Other的帮助下,(小说:Lungbarrow)Omega和Rassilon让Gallifrey上的人们能够使用Omega之手进行时间旅行,Omega之手是一个恒星操纵器,可以把一颗恒星引爆成超新星。(电视剧:The Three Doctors,Remembrance of the Daleks)在一条异常历史态中,据说存在两个Omega之手。(小说:The Infinity Doctors)在Omega之手制成后,Omega宣称它是"时间之匙"(key to time),这能允许他们以自己的意愿控制时间,成为时间的"领主",Rassilon最终勉强承认这是一项伟大的成就。同时The Other警告Omega之手可能成为一件可怕的武器,他警告他们铭记在Minyan身上犯下的错误,尽管Omega相信他们已经从错误中吸取了教训。(小说:Remembrance of the Daleks)
Omega告诉K9一代,他已经"利用一千颗恒星的能量"来创造可供时间领主时间旅行的系统。(小说:K9 and the Time Trap)根据其他信息,时间旅行的能源来自于一颗超新星(电视剧:The Three Doctors)或者,在不同记述中暗示,Omega引爆了一个已存在黑洞的,(小说:The Legacy of Gallifrey)希望借此产生足够多的能量供给时间旅行。(电视剧:The Three Doctors)因为当时在Gallifrey处于的星系中,只有一颗第三星族恒星,所以他们决定摧毁这一颗。(小说:The Infinity Doctors)这颗恒星位于一片叫做被遗忘灵魂之域(Sector of Forgotten Souls)的地区(广播剧:Omega)在Ao星座中,(小说:Lungbarrow)恒星的名字为Qqaba。(漫画:Star Death;小说:The Infinity Doctors)
根据来自Anathema的信息,该信息可能收到悖论派(Faction Paradox)的宣传影响,在工程师的恒星操纵器还未被完成之前,Rassilon第一次尝试创造并利用黑洞的能量,但他却意外地打穿一个通向另一平行宇宙的洞,让大吸血鬼一族涌入Gallifrey的宇宙,开始永恒之战(Eternal War)。根据这种说法,工程师最终设计出一颗类似于普通行星的人造世界将黑洞堵住,尽管他警告Rassilon,幸存的吸血鬼信徒总有一天会进攻这些屏障,再次释放吸血鬼一族。当Rassilon决定他们应该返回Gallifrey,完成利用超新星的恒星操纵器(stellar manipulator)时,工程师自言自语,如果有人钻到最后一颗人造行星的核心,他们会释放一些危险的东西。(小说:Interference: Shock Tactics)
第五任博士曾经表示Omega“总是成为环境下的牺牲品”。(广播剧:Omega)根据大多数记载,Omega在为让Gallifrey获得时间旅行的伟大工作中失踪:Omega的星舰(Starbreaker)Eurydice的静止圆环(stasis halo)受到了破坏,使星舰和上面的船员暴露在黑洞之下。有关这次破坏的细节和原因有几种说法,(漫画:Star Death;广播剧:Omega)不过有一位Gallifrey人曾写道,Omega“算错了他的公式”,他只是在恒星爆炸时没有在安全距离内。(小说:A Brief History of Time Lords)
根据历史记载,Omega的助手Vandekirian代表Rassilon破坏了任务。然而他感到内疚,为了弥补自己的背叛,他割掉了自己的手。Omega没有接受这个条件,他割下Vandekirian的另一只手,放在他的恒星操纵器中,后来这只手被称为Omega之手。此后,Vandekirian的行动导致Eurydice被摧毁。而将手命名为Omega之手,只是因为Rassilon希望利用公众对Omega的喜爱来提升自己的知名度,他认为为歌颂这位备受尊敬的创始人,比赞扬不受欢迎的Vandekirian更好。(广播剧:Omega)然而第七任博士表示,Omega之手并不是“字面上”的手,而是“因为时间领主有无尽的虚荣心”,因此被比喻性地称为手。(电视剧:Remembrance of the Daleks)
However, the Doctor revealed that the history with the Scintillans was a corruption of his own memories; with the Doctor having been filled with guilt over accidentally killing the race himself while trying to rescue a Lurman colony, Omega happened to take on that guilt after taking some of the Doctor's biodata. The Doctor reasoned Omega had only incorporated it into the memories to "explain away" Vandekirian's betrayal, even implying Omega had not killed Vandekirian as well. The Doctor also reasoned that Omega may have encorporated the story because the founder wanted to believe his exile had a cause, something to blame like an act of genocide, instead of merely being the result of a mistake. As for why Vandekirian betrayed Omega, the Doctor assumed he had indeed either sabotaged the mission on behalf of Rassilon, or he had just succumbed to madness. (AUDIO: Omega)
Although Rassilon publicly wept over Omega's death, (PROSE: Lungbarrow) the Eleventh Doctor appeared to believe the theory that Rassilon was behind the tragedy. Indeed, he later recounted to Alice Obiefune that it was rumoured Omega's "death" had been arranged, with those who spread the rumour claiming Rassilon had ordered "Omega's assistant" to betray the engineer. (COMIC: The Lost Dimension)
According to other accounts, a man known as "Fenris the Hellbringer" sabotaged Omega's Starbreaker. This nearly meant that the initial Gallifreyan time travel experiments never came to pass, so the Time Lords "[would] be annihilated before they [had] even come into existence". However, Rassilon intervened, dispatching Fenris; thus, although Omega was lost, the time experiments succeeded. According to this account, Rassilon prevented disaster from overtaking the other three Starbreakers (COMIC: Star Death) before weeping over Omega's death. (PROSE: Lungbarrow) Most accounts suggested that Fenris had been an agent for the Order of the Black Sun and acting deliberately, (COMIC: 4-D War) but according to one source, the man who caused Omega's death was a "temporal tourist" of no import, who had gone back to Gallifrey's ancient history to witness the historic moment of Qqaba's detonation. He was only given the melodramatic name of "Fenris the Hellbringer" in later retellings of the event, postdating his almost immediate obliteration by Rassilon. (PROSE: Gallifrey: A Rough Guide)
In yet another account, Omegon told K9 Mark I that he survived the event during which he granted the Gallifreyans the power to travel in time. Coasting on his fame and the debt he felt Gallifrey owed him, he had himself proclaimed Emperor. However, the other Time Lords plotted against him, and managed to depose him. They attempted to destroy him with the very "power of a thousand suns" he had harnessed for them, but they only succeeded in marooning him in a "crimson bubble of time", a time trap, from which they believed he could never escape. (PROSE: K9 and the Time Trap)
The Doctor, like most Gallifreyans, grew up to revere and admire Omega as their greatest hero. (TV: The Three Doctors) The Hand of Omega, meanwhile, had survived and returned to Gallifrey. The First Doctor would later obtain it for himself. (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks) Like Rassilon, Omega became a legend amongst Gallifreyan society, while the third of their trio was forgotten. (PROSE: Remembrance of the Daleks)
Omega had transported through the black hole into another universe made of anti-matter. Omega shaped the universe by force of will and access to the black hole's singularity. He could even create simple life. Radiation destroyed his body. The gauntlets, armour and helmet he had designed to protect him from the corrosive effect of the anti-matter now constituted his physical form. At first he shaped his new world into a paradise. As the centuries rolled by he grew weary and depressed, feeling abandoned by his fellow Time Lords. The landscape slowly transformed into a drab, grey desert as he became depressed by the loneliness he was feeling. The universe that had become his home was unstable, unable to exist without a powerful will to give it form; he was trapped and completely unable to escape. (TV: The Three Doctors)
Shortly after the early Time Lords abandoned the planet Minyos after setting themselves up as its gods, (TV: Underworld) Omega, who had long since maintained that Gallifrey had learned from their mistakes with the Minyans and had hoped to use the Hand of Omega to lead his people away from repeating them, (PROSE: Remembrance of the Daleks) was able to psychically reach out to Oxirgi, a Minyan revolutionary, and form a psychic bond with him, with Oxirgi worshipping him in secret as his god. Under Omega's directions, Oxirgi created a matter converter which could open a gateway through the black hole, thus freeing Omega, if it was powered by a tremendous amount of negative psychic energy. To reach his target, Oxirgi had to create as much chaos and misery on Minyos as possible. When the suffering caused by the violent rioting Oxirgi organised failed to suffice, Omega suggested Oxirgi take control of the nuclear bombs left on Minyos by his people and destroy the planet. When Malika attempted to stop Oxirgi with the help of the mindwrangler Kyril, Omega poured more of his psychic power into Oxirgi's mind, helping him to fend off Kyril's psychic attacks. (COMIC: Omega)
After thousands of years in the void, Omega hit upon a plan of revenge: a captured Time Lord could be forced to take his place, and Omega could leave and wreak vengeance on Gallifrey. This plan was inspired by the Verdigris, who had travelled into the anti-matter universe in an attempt to get the Third Doctor released from his exile on Earth. (PROSE: Verdigris) Using the black hole, he drained power from the Time Lords to stop them from interfering. He sent an amorphous life form and other, more humanoid servitors to find the exiled Third Doctor and take him into the black hole. The High Council, unable to send anyone to assist the Doctor, decided to have the second incarnation of the Doctor help rectify matters, subsequently contacting and sending his first self to advise them. Omega brought both incarnations to his domain, entry into which converted all matter into anti-matter. (TV: The Three Doctors)
When Omega removed his helmet to prepare for his departure, he discovered that the anti-matter universe had completely dissolved his physical body. He could not leave his universe; he existed only because his will insisted that he exist, but his will was all that was left of him. Consumed by rage and despair, Omega swore to destroy all things; the dark side of his mind took the form of a demonic champion. The Doctors offered freedom to Omega: in actuality the Second Doctor's recorder which the Doctor's TARDIS had accidentally shielded from conversion into anti-matter. The Doctors attempted to trick Omega into touching the recorder but instead only infuriated him. When Omega lashed out he knocked the force field generator to the floor, causing the recorder to make contact with the floor and creating a violent matter-antimatter explosion which seemingly killed Omega by collapsing the antimatter world. (TV: The Three Doctors)
Having survived his encounter with "K9's former master", Omegon plotted vengeance on the Time Lords. He learned how to capture spacecraft into his timeless realm; they appeared to disappear from the normal universe in a blink due to no real time existing inside his bubble of frozen, crimson time. A boundary between the bubble of time and the normal universe now existed in the form of a cloud of reddish cosmic gas, seemingly intangible, whose movements Omegon could direct from the inside; he thus intended to move the cloud nearer to Gallifrey once he had collected a big enough fleet, and launch a surprise assault on the planet, intent on wiping out the Time Lords altogether.
Among the spacecraft he thus highjacked was the entire Rigelian Seventh Fleet, the disappearance of which was investigated by K9 Mark I on behalf of Gallifrey High Command. When K9 managed to enter Omegon's realm, he personally greeted him, explaining his history to K9 and trying to convince the hound that his actions were justified. However, K9, deeming that Omegon was mad with revenge, managed to retake control of his own spacecraft, the K-NEL, launching it at the rocket stores of Omegon's flagship just as the invisible fleet was nearing Gallifrey. The flagship was destroyed in a colossal explosion which seemingly killed Omegon, freeing the captured ship from his control. (PROSE: K9 and the Time Trap)
Hedin of the High Council contacted Omega to help him. Omega had gained control of the dimensional gateway known as the Arc of Infinity. Through the Arc, he had a gateway between his own universe and the universe of matter, though he still had no physical form. Omega also had a TARDIS and a servant he had created, the Ergon. Omega needed to bond with another Time Lord using his biodata extract. (TV: Arc of Infinity)
On Earth at the time, Omega sent the Ergon to survey the planet, and it ended up in Perivale, where it met Dorothy McShane working in a fast food restaurant. She didn't realise it was an alien, and gave it some fries, which it took back to Omega. Omega didn't like them, claiming they didn't have any salt on them. (PROSE: Anti-Matter with Fries)
Hedin transmitted to Omega the biodata extract for the Doctor, by this time in his fifth incarnation. Omega established a base in the Earth city of Amsterdam, navigated the Doctor's TARDIS into the Arc and began to link the Doctor's biodata with his own. The Doctor faced execution on Gallifrey to stop Omega's return. This was part of Omega and Hedin's plan: they rigged the execution to hide the Doctor and Omega in the Matrix, safe from Time Lord detection. (TV: Arc of Infinity)
Omega shifted the Arc to Gallifrey in order to gain control of the Matrix and used its power to create a physical body for himself.
The Doctor tracked him down and sabotaged his equipment in Amsterdam, forcing Omega to step into the physical universe before the transfer was made stable. His new body, a replica of the Doctor's, began to decay and revert to anti-matter. Thwarted and maddened by defeat, Omega willed the acceleration of his conversion to anti-matter to destroy the Earth rather than return to the universe of anti-matter but was destroyed by the Doctor using the Ergon's matter converter. (TV: Arc of Infinity)
Omega was recreated by using the Doctor's biodata. However, this had the effect of causing Omega to develop a split personality, being both Omega and the Doctor, but the Doctor persona wasn't aware of his Omega personality. In Amsterdam, Omega secretly boarded the TARDIS of a visiting Time Lord historian and broadcaster, Professor Ertikus, who was in the city to see the site of Omega's destruction. Ertikus travelled to a Jolly Chronolidays trip to the Sector of Forgotten Souls, with Omega stowed away onboard. Before the trip, Omega met an employee of Jolly Chronolidays, Sentia, with whom he fell in love. He told Sentia all about himself, including his split personality disorder. Omega planned to use the Jolly Chronolidays trip to the Sector of Forgotten Souls to return to the anti-matter universe with Sentia because he found he disliked living in this universe, and wanted to return to his universe where he had godlike power and remained safe.
While travelling to the Sector of Forgotten Souls, the Doctor persona met Sentia for the first time (although Sentia already knew about this Doctor personality) while the ship was docking into the leisure base. There he met Daland (an actor who played Omega in the recreations of Omega's experiments) and Tarpov (another actor who played Vandekirian, Omega's assistant). Tarpov succumbed to the Vandekirian personality, left behind by the psychic residue from Omega's experiments. He tried to stop Omega's experiments by attacking Daland and crushing his own hand in machinery, to stop his handprint being used to release the Hand of Omega, but Omega entered and stopped Tarpov from crushing his other hand. While Tarpov was recovering, Omega tried to kill Tarpov, believing he would give away a secret that he wished to keep quiet, but the medical robot knocked him unconscious. The Omega persona directly communicated with the Doctor persona inside Omega's mind. "Omega" tried to convince "the Doctor" to help him travel to the anti-matter universe with Sentia, and "the Doctor" accepted. Meeting Ertikus for the first time, and discovering he was a Time Lord, "the Doctor" used Ertikus' TARDIS to travel to the recreated Eurydice so he could fulfil his mission. But Sentia kidnapped Daland and stole a shuttle, so she could get there, and could use Daland to conduct the marriage ceremony, but Tarpov stowed aboard and escaped onto the Eurydice.
Tarpov revealed to Sentia that by destroying a star, to create the Eye of Harmony, he would cause the death of a native race called the Scintillans, however, Omega continued anyway. Omega then killed Tarpov. Ertikus tried to meet Omega but discovered that "the Doctor" had been in contact with him all along. Omega revealed himself to Ertikus and then killed him. After they were reunited, "the Doctor" sent a telepathic message from Ertikus' telepathic circuit to the Time Lords explaining everything about the situation to them, so they could send help. Daland and Sentia looked for Ertikus, and Daland found his recorder robot, which had recorded Ertikus' death. Daland realised that "the Doctor" had killed him, and tried to attack the Doctor. Seeing the footage for himself, "the Doctor" realised he was merely a product of Omega's split personality disorder, which was finally confirmed by the arrival of the real Fifth Doctor in his TARDIS, who had been sent by the Time Lords.
Feeling the effects of mental trauma, Omega escaped and began to suffer flashbacks of his earlier life, and the circumstances which lead him to take part in the time experiments. After hearing about the Scintillans from Daland, the Doctor confronted Omega, and revealed that the Scintillans weren't a part of the time experiments, but a memory Omega had taken from the Doctor. The Scintillans were a species the Doctor accidentally killed when he tried to save some Lurmans. The Doctor believed Omega had subconsciously used this to explain away Vandekirian's betrayal. Sentia (taken over by Vandekirian's personality) attempted to pilot the Eurydice into the anti-matter universe, so Omega would be trapped again. The Doctor and Daland escaped, while Omega was trapped on the ship, as it and Omega were supposedly pulled back into the anti-matter universe again. (AUDIO: Omega)
For centuries on Gallifrey, the Adherents of Ohm were a secret society that worshipped "Ohm", (AUDIO: Intervention Earth) a name for Omega used by those who believed him to be a "trapped god". In another universe, Savar met "Ohm" within a black hole. (PROSE: The Infinity Doctors)
Omega manipulated the Adherents of Ohm to steal the Hand of Omega from Gallifrey and use it to create a black hole. Omega then lured Tauras and brought him and Ace's TARDIS into the anti-matter universe. When he met Romana he thought the Time Lords society had fallen so low to allow a president from the House of Heartshaven. Possessing Tauras' body, Omega took Ace's TARDIS and escaped the anti-matter universe, knowing that it would allow him back on Gallifrey as it was known to the Celestial Intervention Agency. (AUDIO: Intervention Earth) Romana sent Irving Braxiatel back in time to change history so that Omega would never escape the anti-matter universe. (AUDIO: Enemy Lines)
There was a time when Omega opposed violence and only wanted to be known by his birth name, but, as he carried on, he came to believe that, if he needed to be a monster to bring the Gallifreyans into a "new age of enlightenment", then he would fully become said monster. He also came to begrudgingly accept his nickname "Omega". (AUDIO: Omega) By one account, at the time of the creation of the Hand of Omega, regeneration was already possible for Gallifreyans, with Omega having regenerating into the body of "a huge man" with great shoulders and muscles, leading to some to speculate his body was a genetic memory of "the dark time". At one point, he stretched out his arms in a way that made him look like a "barbarian king".
After the creation of the hand, he was eager to impose Gallifrey's will upon time to make their people into Time Lords, arguing with the Other about the risks of such a prospect. When the two argued about whether they had learned from their mistakes involving the Minyans, Omega believed they had but silenced himself after looking into the Other's eyes. While Rassilon came to side with Omega after the scientist asked his fellows if they agreed the hand was "a magnificent achievement", the Other remained cautious. (PROSE: Remembrance of the Daleks)
Omega was very bitter about his fellow Time Lords, who he believed sacrificed him to attain greatness. He held eternal enmity towards his race, and sought to avenge himself against them.
Countless aeons alone left him with little care about anything, deeming the destruction of reality as a "spectacle to behold". He also became paranoid and developed violent mood swings. He lacked any restraint and had a vicious temper. The Doctor considered him to be a madman. However, he was not without heart, and appeared enchanted by small things such as a child's smile and a steam organ during his brief escape from the anti-matter universe, suggesting that his extreme fury was merely the by-product of loneliness and despair. (TV: The Three Doctors, Arc of Infinity)
Despite being insane, Omega was noted for his extremely strong will, which allowed him to reshape the antimatter universe in the singularity to create an environment as well as servants that suited him. This made him linked to the antimatter realm, as his will alone kept it alive and prevented his escape. He was completely unaware of the fact that his body had corroded away as a result of prolonged exposure to the antimatter realm, and that both his physical form and the world he created were made by his will alone. (TV: The Three Doctors)
Rassilon, the Other and Omega were the three most important figures in Gallifrey's history. (PROSE: The Ancestor Cell) An ancient Statue of Omega was in the Capitol, (COMIC: The Lost Dimension) whereas another was built in the Great Hall of the Academy during his life. (AUDIO: Omega)
The Feast of Omega was a holiday that was celebrated on Gallifrey. (PROSE: Happy Endings) It was the Disciples of Omega who established the transduction barriers. (AUDIO: Renaissance) The public forgot that Omega's birth name had been Peylix, with the name instead becoming the subject of a story about a time plumber who was too curious for his own good; he questioned how everything around him worked, which made everything stop working. (AUDIO: Omega)
The Belt of Omega was part of a Presidential dress which the Fifth Doctor was forced to wear. Seeing him fit it on, Tegan Jovanka amusingly suggested that Omega had tried to steal his body because he was jealous. (AUDIO: Time in Office, TV: Arc of Infinity)
"OMEGA level event and "Priority Omega" were code-phrases during the War in Heaven and Last Great Time War, respectively. (PROSE: Subjective Interlock, TV: The Day of the Doctor) The Omega Arsenal was a stockpile of forbidden weapons locked away in the Time Vaults. (TV: The Day of the Doctor)
Secret societies on Gallifrey were dedicated to the worship of Rassilon, Omega, and the Other. The Adherents of Ohm were one dedicated to Omega, (AUDIO: Intervention Earth) with "Ohm" being a name for Omega used by those who believed him to be a trapped god. (PROSE: The Infinity Doctors) By the time of his fifth incarnation, the Doctor's battles with Omega had turned Gallifreyan culture against the founder, having revealed many of the unfavorable aspects to Omega's character; Omega went from a revered founder to a story used to scare children into doing homework. By the time of the Celestial Preservation Agency, Omega was no longer seen as a hero, merely considered a joke. (AUDIO: Omega)
Coordinator Jarad was once heard to exclaim "Omega's ghost!" to express shock. (AUDIO: Legion of the Lost) In a parallel universe where the Sixth Doctor led Gallifrey in the War, a time dreadnought was named the Glorious Aspect of Omega. (PROSE: The Quantum Archangel) Following the Last Great Time War, the Eleventh Doctor believed Omega's memories were stored in the Matrix. (COMIC: Sky Jacks)
In the video game Happy Deathday, played by Izzy Sinclair on the Time-Space Visualiser, Omega was among a host of "every single enemy" that the Doctor had ever defeated, who were assembled by the Beige Guardian and pitted against the Doctor's first eight incarnations. (COMIC: Happy Deathday)
During the War in Heaven, the term "OMEGA level event" was used to describe direct encounters with The Enemy. (PROSE: Subjective Interlock) During the Last Great Time War, Priority Omega was a code phrase used for high priority messages. (TV: The Day of the Doctor)
In preliminary discussions for The Three Doctors, the name "Ohm" was considered for the character of Omega, because OHM looks like WHO upside-down. The symbol for Ohm is the Greek Omega symbol (Ω). This abandoned concept would be referenced in the novel The Infinity Doctors, where, within an abnormal state of history, it was revealed that the Time Lord explorer Savar met a "mad god" called Ohm inside a black hole while looking for the real Omega. The suggestion is that Ohm is one of an infinity of alternative versions of Omega. In K9 and the Time Trap, Omega was referred to with the name "Omegon", otherwise remaining identical to the version of the character seen in The Three Doctors, evidencing lingering uncertainty in the mind of his creator about Omega's name.
In The Three Doctors, Stephen Thorne, who had previously portrayed another vengeful near-deity (the Dæmon Azal) in The Dæmons, was called upon to portray Omega. With the character meant to have no physical body under his helmet, only Thorne's voice was applied to Omega, thus allowing for easy recasting upon Omega's return to the series in Arc of Infinity. The anti-matter god was now embodied and voiced by Ian Collier, who reprised the role in an audio format in the Big Finish audio drama Omega.
In the scene corresponding to the point in The Timeless Children where Tecteun's male incarnation stands alongside two other Time Lords in full high-collared regalia, the Timeless Children script release mentions that "we can assume [the other two] are Rassilon and Omega".[1] In late 2020, the BBC released a promotional photograph providing a better look at these Time Lords' faces.[2] Mark Corden, the episode's 2nd assistant director, claimed on Twitter that he himself was the performer playing "Omega", also explaining that he had selected the extra playing Rassilon based on his resemblance to Don Warrington, who had played an incarnation of Rassilon for Big Finish.[3]
John Ridgway, the artist for Cutaway Comics' Omega miniseries, elaborated in a special feature at the end of the first issue on an early concept he had when called upon to visualise Omega in the comic:
You can't have him be a little man like the Mekon. It has to be dynamic, fluid, and fit in with the script. My original thought, which sadly won't work, is he'd be different every time that you saw him. He could be male in one picture, Chinese in the next, female in the next and all the permutations of that. But the readers would need to understand this is what was happening, without wondering why there were so many different characters.
In the end, Omega was depicted in Oxirgi's vision as a hazy humanoid figure seemingly made of pure light — thus obviating the need to give him any particular physical features.[4] However, he was given a much more human appearance when portrayed by Brian Blessed on the audio adaptation's cover.
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Omega appeared as the antagonist of Search for the Doctor, a novel which is not considered a valid source on this Wiki due to being a "Choose Your Own Adventure"-style multiple-choice narrative. The illustrations depicted Omega using an all-new design for his helmet, distinct both from the one in The Three Doctors and the one in Arc of Infinity.
A character called "Rassilon's Engineer" appears in a transmission Sam Jones receives on Anathema in Interference - Book One. Although the character is not named, he is strongly implied to be Omega. The transmission originates in a Faction Paradox-influenced culture built on a Time Lord artefact, so the implication may be that Rassilon attempted to minimise Omega's part in Time Lord history, reducing him to the role of "Rassilon's Engineer".
- ↑ The Timeless Children script
- ↑ "The FIRST Time Lords!" on the official Doctor Who Twitter account
- ↑ https://twitter.com/boristhedalek/status/1330960792716521480
- ↑ Meet the Creators: John Ridgway in OMEGA 1