
Rose Tyler (Sea Devil Earth)

来自[[Sea Devil Earth]]的Human
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Empress Rose Tyler was an alternate version of Rose Tyler who originated from an alternate timeline created by a temporal paradox caused by a meeting between the Tenth and Thirteenth Doctors.


Freedom fighter

Rose was born in an alternate timeline in which the Earth was ruled by the Sea Devils. She grew up to become a part of a resistance against the reptilian rulers, (COMIC: Alternating Current) with wanted posters of her being put up around London. (COMIC: A Little Help from My Friends) During her battles, she became separated from her parents Jackie and a still-living Pete Tyler, who were taken into slavery by the Sea Devils.

In 2020, the battle took an unexpected turn when the Tenth Doctor appeared, informing her that something was wrong with the timeline. After reluctantly joining him in his TARDIS, they set out to undo the temporal paradox that had brought her timeline into existence. Teaming up with the Thirteenth Doctor and her companions, alongside a rogue Skithra Queen, they prevented the premature awakening of the Sea Devils at the Raven Peninsula in 1903, and rescued Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison from the Skithra, restoring the timeline back to normal.

Having now travelled through the Time Vortex, Rose managed to survive the timeline rewrite. Realising their was nothing left for her on this new Earth now that the parents she knew no longer existed, and realising that fighting was all she was good at, she requested that the Doctor drop her off on another conquered planet so as to keep fighting, and to help them achieve the same level of peace that Earth now had. (COMIC: Alternating Current)

Leading an empire

to be added (COMIC: Empire of the Wolf)
