

  • 博士 (重定向自The Doctor (分类Individuals copied by the Zygons (章节The greatest enemy of the Daleks
    (TV: Forest of the Dead, The Name of the Doctor) and the Master. (TV: World Enough and Time) Though the Time Lords knew the genuine name of the Doctor, (TV:…
    234 KB(28,848个字) - 2024年4月9日 (二) 00:41
  • Tenth Doctor (分类Individuals copied by the Zygons (章节The return of the Master
    "Relic" The Curator • Fugitive • Timeless Child The Other • The Watcher • The Valeyard Meta-Crisis • More… Benefitting from the healing undergone by his predecessor…
    413 KB(55,820个字) - 2022年5月10日 (二) 20:55
  • Harry Sullivan (分类Humans copied by the Zygons (章节Joining the Doctor
    were forced to walk the plank of the ship by the captain before being rescued by the Doctor. (PROSE: Avast There!) The TARDIS brought the trio to a Scottish…
    29 KB(3,687个字) - 2022年11月19日 (六) 14:48
  • Clara Oswald (分类Humans copied by the Zygons (章节Meeting the Doctor
    On the way to the "centre of the TARDIS", the four kept running from the time zombies and reached the Cloister Room, where they found out what the time…
    194 KB(28,097个字) - 2022年11月19日 (六) 14:36
  • Eighth Doctor (分类Incarnations of the Doctor) (章节The War with the Enemy
    attracted to the image. (AUDIO: The Shadow of the Scourge) After sealing Gallifrey away in a pocket dimension, (TV: The Day of the Doctor) the Seventh Doctor…
    308 KB(40,490个字) - 2022年5月10日 (二) 20:55
  • River Song (分类Individuals impersonated by the Teselecta) (章节The assassination of the Doctor
    Strackman Lux, and the 4,022 people saved in the computer system in the Library. The Tenth Doctor saved her consciousness digitally to the Library's computer…
    134 KB(18,867个字) - 2022年11月14日 (一) 14:30