

  • 博士的TARDIS (分类Rift locations
    this state the Doctor piloted it to Scratchman's universe through a tiny rift to rescue his companions. When the Doctor returned to the ship after defeating…
    234 KB(29,866个字) - 2024年4月2日 (二) 01:01
  • City of Spires) This assertion is heard by the Eleventh Doctor when a time rift of the past leaks into the TARDIS. (TV: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS)…
    56 KB(7,837个字) - 2022年11月11日 (五) 16:05
  • been there, and had escaped through a rift. The Valeyard refused to follow the Doctor and Bliss through the rift, as he knew if he left Grahv, his memories…
    40 KB(5,784个字) - 2022年5月10日 (二) 20:55
  • 看 • 编 Coal Hill School Students Teachers Staff Locations Rooms Groups Foreman Street / Coal Hill Road www.coalhillschool.sch.uk…
    51 KB(7,135个字) - 2022年11月19日 (六) 14:48
  • 看 • 编 Coal Hill School Students Teachers Staff Locations Rooms Groups Foreman Street / Coal Hill Road www.coalhillschool.sch.uk…
    62 KB(8,465个字) - 2022年11月19日 (六) 14:48
  • 看 • 编 Coal Hill School Students Teachers Staff Locations Rooms Groups Foreman Street / Coal Hill Road www.coalhillschool.sch.uk…
    22 KB(3,183个字) - 2022年11月19日 (六) 14:36
  • into the vortex and caused a rip. After she lost Panda when he jumped into a rift to save the multiverse, (AUDIO: The Panda Invasion) she spent many years…
    60 KB(7,070个字) - 2022年5月10日 (二) 20:54
  • the rift after rescuing the real Lees, the soldiers who had accompanied the Doctor sacrificing themselves to keep the natives back until the rift was closed…
    197 KB(26,783个字) - 2022年5月10日 (二) 20:55
  • to Space Station Zenobia II to prevent Councillor Voltrix from opening a rift into the Vampires' universe, but his protests fell on deaf ears. (COMIC:…
    124 KB(16,175个字) - 2022年5月10日 (二) 20:55
  • 看 • 编 Coal Hill School Students Teachers Staff Locations Rooms Groups Foreman Street / Coal Hill Road www.coalhillschool.sch.uk…
    103 KB(14,455个字) - 2022年5月10日 (二) 20:54
  • the Van Baalen Bros. A future version of the Doctor arrived through a time rift, throwing his present self a magno-grab remote with "BIG FRIENDLY BUTTON"…
    194 KB(28,097个字) - 2022年11月19日 (六) 14:36
  • Gatekeeper", the Doctor and Nardole escaped to a Cairn, where the Doctor found a rift leading to a dimension of Light-eating locusts. Though he only stood in the…
    360 KB(49,087个字) - 2022年5月10日 (二) 20:55
  • a time rift to give the device to his past self. After instructing his past self to use the device, the Doctor disappeared back through the rift as time…
    386 KB(50,071个字) - 2022年5月10日 (二) 20:54
  • Eaters of Light to prevent them breaking through an inter-dimensional temporal rift, the Twelfth Doctor noted that he would regenerate if the light-eating locusts…
    186 KB(23,084个字) - 2022年11月16日 (三) 16:28
  • peers had failed. The Master had the idea of using a black hole to tear a rift in time and send the Consolidator into the distant future, where the future…
    444 KB(59,456个字) - 2022年5月10日 (二) 20:55