

  • Regenerations • Death Template:The Doctor's TARDIS counterparts 博士的TARDIS也被稱為the Ship(船)、the Box(箱子)或僅僅是叫TARDISTARDIS 是博士主要的交通工具,有能力穿越時間跟空間。 博士透過它遊歷了整個宇宙,從大爆炸(散文:Time…
    234 KB(29,866个字) - 2024年4月2日 (二) 01:01
  • standing in the door of the TARDIS and the interior is clearly visible behind him. In the original series, the interior of the TARDIS was usually shown as a…
    56 KB(7,837个字) - 2022年11月11日 (五) 16:05
  • Harry Sullivan (分类Humans who have been inside the Doctor's TARDIS
    feature in any TARDIS interior scenes. Although he is seen entering and emerging from the TARDIS several times, he is never seen within the TARDIS itself. He…
    29 KB(3,687个字) - 2022年11月19日 (六) 14:48
  • Rose Tyler (分类Humans who have been inside the Doctor's TARDIS (章节Grow your own TARDIS
    alive for Rose. The Doctor used his TARDIS key, which was still linked to the TARDIS' interior, to bring the TARDIS back. However, after Pete accidentally…
    137 KB(19,589个字) - 2022年11月19日 (六) 14:36
  • He called Amy in the TARDIS, but realised she couldn't fly the TARDIS, he didn't have the coordinates and she had left the TARDIS long ago. He wished her…
    386 KB(50,071个字) - 2022年5月10日 (二) 20:54
  • Sixth Doctor (分类Time Lords who have been inside the Master's TARDIS
    unconscious on the floor of his TARDIS after the TARDIS landed on Lakertya, the First Rani and her Tetrap servant, Urak, invaded the TARDIS, and Urak was ordered…
    244 KB(32,782个字) - 2022年5月10日 (二) 20:55
  • Thirteenth Doctor (分类Time Lords who have been inside the Master's TARDIS (章节Early travels as Team TARDIS
    recent destinations she has visited, (PROSE: TARDIS Trip Reviewer) a tour of her TARDIS control room, (PROSE: TARDIS Tour) her own write up on legends of the…
    186 KB(23,084个字) - 2022年11月16日 (三) 16:28
  • Clara Oswald (分类Humans who have been inside the Doctor's TARDIS (章节Timelines in the TARDIS
    argued with the TARDIS voice interface when the TARDIS would not let her in, Clara wanting to use the TARDIS to save the Doctor while the TARDIS was concerned…
    194 KB(28,097个字) - 2022年11月19日 (六) 14:36