

  • 博士的TARDIS (分类Locations visited by River Song
    Twice Upon a Time) which was later found by River Song (TV: The Husbands of River Song) and used one last time by the Twelfth Doctor. (TV: Twice Upon a Time)…
    234 KB(29,866个字) - 2024年4月2日 (二) 01:01
  • Eleventh Doctor (分类Individuals impersonated by the Teselecta) (章节Discovering the origin of River Song
    found a message from River Song, that led Amy and him to 102 AD England, where River showed him The Pandorica Opens, a painting by Vincent van Gogh that…
    386 KB(50,071个字) - 2022年5月10日 (二) 20:54
  • River Song (分类Individuals impersonated by the Teselecta) (章节Becoming River Song
    adventures they would have together for River to record. (TV: The Husbands of River Song) The next morning, River found clothes that her parents had left…
    134 KB(18,867个字) - 2022年11月14日 (一) 14:30
  • Amy Pond (分类Individuals impersonated by the Teselecta) (章节River Song's World
    for "pond", as the only water in the forest was the river, and "melody" showed as "song". River Song was Melody. The Doctor left in search of the baby,…
    100 KB(14,111个字) - 2022年11月19日 (六) 14:36
  • Running to Stay Still) When the Eleventh Doctor and River were invited to a party held by the fish people, River told the Doctor that, if the party went badly…
    360 KB(49,087个字) - 2022年5月10日 (二) 20:55
  • The Doctor visited a bed and breakfast surrounded by an impenetrable fog, and discovered that the owners, Chloe and Arthur, were killed by versions of…
    244 KB(32,782个字) - 2022年5月10日 (二) 20:55
  • attended by Ian, a fortune teller named Rosemary, Robert, and the Coal Hill headmaster. (PROSE: The Splintered Gate) Ian introduced Barbara to River Song, who…
    51 KB(7,135个字) - 2022年11月19日 (六) 14:48
  • Man's Story) When River Song was hired as a history teacher at Coal Hill, Susan was intrigued by her peculiar method of teaching and by the way she talked…
    103 KB(14,455个字) - 2022年5月10日 (二) 20:54
  • but discovered that the whole affair was caused by a time paradox created by accident by the Dalek Emperor. (AUDIO: The Mutant Phase) The Doctor arrived…
    197 KB(26,783个字) - 2022年5月10日 (二) 20:55
  • admitted was hard when he greeted River from inside Hydroflax's body. (TV: The Husbands of River Song) The Doctor and River Song spent their final 24 years together…
    40 KB(5,407个字) - 2022年11月19日 (六) 14:36
  • Clara Oswald (分类Humans copied by the Zygons)
    damage done to his timeline by the Great Intelligence. This caused the time winds to shatter her into millions of what River Song referred to as "echoes" or…
    194 KB(28,097个字) - 2022年11月19日 (六) 14:36
  • returned to find that River had located LLoyd, whom they took care of whilst River searched for Sheila. Before leaving Coal Hill, River said a fond goodbye…
    62 KB(8,465个字) - 2022年11月19日 (六) 14:48
  • Martha Jones (分类Humans sent to the past by Weeping Angels)
    to be confronted with River Song, time-travelling archaeologist and the Doctor's future wife. The Doctor was surprised to hear River call him "sweetie" and…
    57 KB(7,587个字) - 2022年11月19日 (六) 14:36
  • Anathema in the 79th century. They visited Pyras, encountered robots in a historical theme park, and got captured by Duke Anubis. During this time, she…
    60 KB(7,070个字) - 2022年5月10日 (二) 20:54
  • before Vicki, Ian and Barbara were kidnapped by Adam Mitchell. (COMIC: Unnatural Selection) They were rescued by the first eleven numbered incarnations of…
    31 KB(3,883个字) - 2022年11月19日 (六) 14:48
  • on Jaska Major, where the Master was awakened by River Song and Luke Sullieman. The Master persuaded River to return him to Jaska Minor and retrieve his…
    444 KB(59,456个字) - 2022年5月10日 (二) 20:55
  • now ruled by human zealots, served by slave Loba, whose religion was largely based on a misinterpreted joke made by Graham, who was worshipped by them as…
    186 KB(23,084个字) - 2022年11月16日 (三) 16:28
  • of Cyberman storage units, guarded by Cybermats. The Legion was destroyed by the Eleventh Doctor and River Song by shutting down their thermionic core…
    160 KB(19,465个字) - 2022年11月14日 (一) 14:30