- ... that Arianna Lago won a Visual Effects Society award — along with Simon Wicker, Charlie Bennett and Tim Barter — for her work on the matte paintings seen in Silence in the Library?
- ... that the legendary Dalek killer, "the Bringer of Death" known as Kalendorf, in his retirement visited a museum dedicated to the Dalek War, where he met the Eighth Doctor prior to the Time Lord's conclusion of the Last Great Time War? (PROSE: Museum Peace)
- ... that perigosto sticks were used by students at the Time Lord Academy to play games of four-dimensional juggling? (PROSE: Seeing I)
- ... that the Tenth Doctor and Donna once pretended to be Bjorn and Freida, two members of the Swedish rock group, ABBA? (AUDIO: Dead Air)
- ... that Baaraddelskelliumfatrexius Beasts were giant, squirrel-like creatures that Raxacoricofallapatorians hunted to extinction? (TV: The Revenge of the Slitheen)