- ... that the reunion of the Sixth Doctor and Jamie begun in City of Spires is actually continued first in The Companion Chronicles: Night's Black Agents before returning to the main Big Finish Doctor Who range in The Wreck of the Titan?
- ... that an un-named man met Tegana at the town of Lop and gave him poison intended for Marco Polo? (TV: Marco Polo)
- ... that the word shsurr is the polite form of address for an adult female in the Ice Warriors' language? (PROSE: Legacy)
- ... that there were two versions of the Tenth Doctor in London during Christmas 2006 — one aboard a Sycorax spaceship and one helping a boy named Daniel at St Nicholas's Hospital? (TV: The Christmas Invasion, PROSE: Deep and Dreamless Sleep)
- ... that the Thalatth were a species with several radically different developmental stages, and that, when fully mature, they were known as Solarix Prizmatterflies, capable of flying through space? (COMIC: Hook, Line and Sinker)