

上世纪:10世纪 下世纪:12世纪


The 11th century was chiefly notable, in England at least, for being the setting of the Battle of Hastings. Though well-known as a point of conflict between two Time Lords, the First Doctor and the Monk when the Doctor prevented the Monk from altering the outcome of the Battle of Hastings, (TV: The Time Meddler) the history-changing battle also provided the backdrop for some hidden human truths.

At some point after 1066, the Sixth Doctor and Peri Brown discovered that King Harold, the Saxon leader the Doctor believed had died on the battlefield at Hastings, was still alive. Godwinson had his mother and wife, Gytha and Edith Swan-Neck, deliberately misidentify his body so that he could slip off the battlefield un-noticed. Adopting the name of Hereward the Wake, he then spent many years after Hastings as the leader of a guerrilla insurgency. His resistance, although ultimately unsuccessful in overthrowing the Normans, kept Saxon culture alive, and became one of the reasons that it was remembered centuries later. (PROSE: The Real Hereward)

During this century, an "amoral Time Lord" altered history by providing King Cnut with technology which allowed him to turn back the tide and gain greater influence over Saxon England than he would have done otherwise. The Eighth Doctor set history back on its correct course. (AUDIO: Invaders from Mars)

The Fifth Doctor, Adric, Nyssa and Tegan Jovanka took a trip to rural Eastern Europe at some point early in the century and met a Tsar. (PROSE: The Immortals)

A monastery was established on the site of Forgill Castle. (TV: Terror of the Zygons)

On the Indian subcontinent, the Pact of Chib was signed this century, and the creation of the Gelem warrior was thus averted. (PROSE: Ghosts of India)

Outside of Earth, the Centaurian Catastrophe, possibly a result of Anubian invasion, (TV: Curse of Anubis) occurred around the middle of the century, driving the Aeolians to near-extinction. (TV: Aeolian)

As with most centuries of the first two millennia, the 11世纪 was home to Jack Harkness, Amy Pond and an Auton duplicate of Rory Williams. A version of Jack from around the time of the deaths of Toshiko Sato and Owen Harper existed in this century, having been buried alive in the 1st century by his brother, Gray. He perpetually died and resurrected an unknown number of times in an earthen tomb underneath Cardiff. (TV: Exit Wounds) Meanwhile, a near-dead Amy Pond was kept alive inside the Pandorica, beginning in the 2nd century. An Auton version of Rory kept vigil near her the entire time. They both awaited a moment in the mid-1990s when a young Amelia Pond would touch the outside of the Pandorica and restore Amy to full health. (TV: The Big Bang)

It was substantially unclear whether the events of the subsequent Big Bang Two erased Amy and Rory's presence in the 11世纪. This ambiguity was caused, in part, because the non-Auton, married Rory Williams claimed to have remembered being "made of plastic" at his wedding reception, suggesting that, at least inasmuch as he was concerned, he and Amy were present in the 11世纪. (TV: The Big Bang) Amy seemed to also remember those events, and displayed a fondness for the Auton Rory both during her honeymoon (TV: A Christmas Carol) and during a kind of lullaby to her newborn child Melody Pond. (TV: A Good Man Goes to War)

It was also among the centuries endured by Ashildr, (TV: The Woman Who Lived) a 9th century[1] Viking girl who was rendered effectively immortal when she was brought back to life by the Twelfth Doctor through a self-repairing Mire repair kit. (TV: The Girl Who Died)

The Talessh became extinct when their planet's star went nova. (AUDIO: Shield of the Jötunn)


  1. In The Woman Who Lived, which is set in the year 1651, Ashildr mentions having had 800 years of adventure.