11月18日 1915 was the date that Jeremy Carstairs and Lady Jennifer Buckingham met the Second Doctor after they'd been returned to Earth following the trial of the War Lord. Since the Time Lords had wiped the minds of all the War Lord's captives, 11月18日 1915 was the first time the couple remembered meeting the Doctor. (PROSE: World Game)
In 1854, Florence Nightingale arrived with Bartholomew Kitchen at Scutari barracks and met Hex. By this point, out of the 35,600 soldiers that Britain had started with in the Crimean War, only 16,500 remained. Brigadier-General Kitchen accused Hex of collaboration in wartime because he mentioned the Seventh Doctor and Ace, who he thought were spies from their 9月25日 encounter. Kitchen put Hex in jail. (AUDIO: The Angel of Scutari)
In 1916, the Battle of the Somme was concluded. (AUDIO: Men of War)
In 2593, sea serpents were seen on Tyler's Folly. (PROSE: Dead Romance)