

上世纪:12世纪 下世纪:14世纪


The 13th century was a time of some interest to the Doctor and their companions.

A knight from this century was brought forward to the late 20th century, thanks to the Master's TOMTIT device. (TV: The Time Monster) During unspecified years this century, the Third Doctor defeated the villainous Lord Waldean de Beauvain, (COMIC: The Magician) while the Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond pursued Shoju, an alien traveller, to Japan. (COMIC: Samurai's Secret) Also, St John's Monastery was built in this century. (TV: The Rebel Flesh) Late in this century, the Second Doctor, Jamie McCrimmon and Victoria Waterfield visited Scotland and met a young William Wallace. (PROSE: On a Pedestal)

Likely the most historically significant event, however, happened in March 1215 when the Fifth Doctor, Tegan Jovanka and Turlough thwarted a plan by the Master to undermine King John's promulgation of the Magna Carta. (TV: The King's Demons)

The Doctor's TARDIS once crashed with a Rutan ship around this time, which then ended up with an adventure during 1605. (GAME: The Gunpowder Plot)

Sarah Jane Smith told Field Major Styre that the Sontaran Commander Linx was "blown to smithereens" in the 13th century. (TV: The Sontaran Experiment) This happened following Linx's plot to repair his spaceship on Earth by using an osmic projector to kidnap scientists from the 20th century, when he tried taking off and his ship exploded. (TV: The Time Warrior)

A Khameirian spaceship crashed on Earth, in England, destroying the chapel at Abbots Siolfor. They put their life essences into an Essence Chamber and gave it to Matthew Siolfor, the leader of a group of alchemists, who believed it to be the Philosopher's Stone. (PROSE: Option Lock)

Orkney was taken over by Scotland. (AUDIO: The Revenants)

Self left his Faction Paradox mask in England knowing it would eventually come into the hands of Giordano Bruno. (PROSE: De Umbris Idearum)

According to legend, the Caliph at Giltat made a deal with the Al Harwaz, creatures who offered trade if his people learned a dance. The Caliph had the Al Harwaz help him win the war against the Kebiriz, but had them killed afterwards. The Al Harwaz responded by using flying monsters to destroy him and his city. (PROSE: Dancing the Code)

The first recorded cases of stigmata occurred in this century. (PROSE: Mordieu)

In Pisa, the Eighth Doctor stopped the Sulumian Thorgan from killing Fibonacci before the Italian had written the Liber quadratorum. (PROSE: The Gallifrey Chronicles)

As with most centuries of the first two millennia, the 13世纪 was home to Jack Harkness, Amy Pond and an Auton duplicate of Rory Williams. A version of Jack from around the time of the deaths of Toshiko Sato and Owen Harper existed in this century, having been buried alive in the 1st century by his brother, Gray. He perpetually died and resurrected an unknown number of times in an earthen tomb underneath Cardiff. (TV: Exit Wounds) Meanwhile, a near-dead Amy Pond was kept alive inside the Pandorica, beginning in the 2nd century. An Auton version of Rory kept vigil near her the entire time. They both awaited a moment in the mid-1990s when a young Amelia Pond would touch the outside of the Pandorica and restore Amy to full health. (TV: The Big Bang)

It was substantially unclear whether the events of the subsequent Big Bang Two erased Amy and Rory's presence in the 13世纪. This ambiguity was caused, in part, because the non-Auton, married Rory Williams claimed to have remembered being "made of plastic" at his wedding reception, suggesting that, at least inasmuch as he was concerned, he and Amy were present in the 13世纪. (TV: The Big Bang) Amy seemed to also remember those events, and displayed a fondness for the Auton Rory both during her honeymoon (TV: A Christmas Carol) and during a kind of lullaby to her newborn child Melody Pond. (TV: A Good Man Goes to War)

It was also among the centuries endured by Ashildr, (TV: The Woman Who Lived) a 9th century[1] Viking girl who was rendered effectively immortal when she was brought back to life by the Twelfth Doctor through a self-repairing Mire repair kit. (TV: The Girl Who Died)


  1. In The Woman Who Lived, which is set in the year 1651, Ashildr mentions having had 800 years of adventure.