

18世紀 | 1780年代

1776年 • 1777年 • 1778年 • 1779年 • 1780年 • 1781年 • 1783年 • 1785年 • 1787年 • 1788年

In February 1782, the Eighth Doctor came to reside in the House on Henrietta Street. He somehow "walked" there without the use of his TARDIS.

On 3月20日, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom stepped down. That evening, Scarlette held a ball at the House on Henrietta Street. Lisa-Beth Lachlan first visited the House during this event.

By April, Lisa-Beth had moved into the House along with her sizable library of books.

On 5月1日, Fitz Kreiner and Anji Kapoor were "summoned" to Henrietta Street, again without the use of the TARDIS. (PROSE: The Adventuress of Henrietta Street)

In June, the Sixth Doctor picked up Melanie Bush from Berkshire, where she had been stranded for six months. (AUDIO: Catch-1782)

On 9月6日, the Doctor and other associates of the House on Henrietta Street performed a ceremony that finally summoned the TARDIS.

On 12月1日, the Doctor and Scarlette were married in a ceremony that pulled virtually the entire wedding party into the Kingdom of Beasts. (PROSE: The Adventuress of Henrietta Street)

The Second Doctor, Jamie McCrimmon, Ben Jackson and Polly Wright attempted to visit the Winter Palace in St Petersburg but they materialised in the vicinity of Stalingrad in 1942 instead. (AUDIO: The Night Witches)

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