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18世紀 | 1780年代

1782年 • 1783年 • 1785年 • 1787年 • 1789年 • 1790年 • 1791年 • 1792年 • 1793年 • 1794年

In November 1788, the Nemesis statue passed by Earth. About the same time, the Nemesis bow was stolen from Windsor Castle. (TV: Silver Nemesis)

Jamie McCrimmon was visited by a representative of the Celestial Intervention Agency, who restored his memories of his travels with the Second Doctor in order to investigate his activities at the court of King James II of England in 1688 and set history on its proper course. By this time, Jamie and his wife Kirsty had at least eight children and numerous grandchildren. (AUDIO: The Glorious Revolution)

Alternate timeline

In an alternate timeline accidentally created by Jamie in 1688, the Glorious Revolution was a failure and James II remained on the throne until his death. His grandson Charles Edward Stuart, better known as Bonnie Prince Charlie, eventually ascended the throne as King Charles III. He was still the reigning monarch in 1788. (AUDIO: The Glorious Revolution) In the timeline familiar to the Doctor, Charles III was the name taken by the successor of Queen Elizabeth II in the 21st century. (PROSE: Revenge of the Judoon)

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