

19世紀 | 1810年代

1806年 • 1807年 • 1808年 • 1809年 • 1810年 • 1811年 • 1813年 • 1814年 • 1815年 • 1816年 • 1817年 • 1818年

In 1812, Napoléon Bonaparte invaded Russia in anticipation of a Russian attempt to retake Poland. Both the First Doctor (AUDIO: Mother Russia) and Iris Wildthyme (AUDIO: The Panda Invasion, AUDIO: Iris Wildthyme and the Claws of Santa) met Napoléon on the Russian front during this time. Iris claimed that, in spite of what the history books said, he was "anything but small." (AUDIO: Iris Wildthyme and the Claws of Santa) The Eighth Doctor and his companions Fitz Kreiner and Trix MacMillan visited Moscow during the French invasion. (PROSE: Emotional Chemistry) The successful Russian defence against Napoléon's forces was later commemorated in the 1812 Overture by the Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. (AUDIO: A Thousand Tiny Wings)

File:Soldier (Greeks Bearing Gifts).jpg
A solder in Cardiff. (TV: Greeks Bearing Gifts)

Werewolf and mass murderer Pieter Stubbe turned Ileana de Santos into a werewolf. (AUDIO: Loups-Garoux)

A prostitute named Mary was killed and used as a host body by an Arcateenian. "Mary" subsequently killed a soldier by ripping out his heart. His remains were found and analysed by Torchwood Three in the 21st century. (TV: Greeks Bearing Gifts)

The Sûreté Générale was founded in 1812. (PROSE: The Death of Art)

Stapleton Petherbridge was killed during the War of 1812. (AUDIO: The Wrong Doctors)

Jedediah Thurwell was born. (AUDIO: The Wrong Doctors)

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