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20世纪 | 1960年代

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1969 was the year that Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the Moon. (TV: Day of the Moon) According to some accounts, this year saw several events which led to the formation of UNIT by 1975. (PROSE: The Forgotten Son et al) However, other accounts indicate that UNIT had been formed before 1969 and that the Third Doctor's exile on Earth began in this year. (PROSE: Who Killed Kennedy et al.)

The year was also notable for being the year in which novelist/biographer Paul Magrs was born. (PROSE: In the Sixties, The Story of Fester Cat, Party Like it's 1979)

Dated events

January - June

On 1月3日, the Revolution Man attacked the US Air Force base in High Racoon, destroying its B-52 Bombers and carving his symbol on the side of the blacktop. Following this, the US Defence Forces went onto DEFCON Two.

On 1月4日, The Washington Post reported on the Revolution Man attack of the previous day. (PROSE: Revolution Man)

On 1月30日, the Beatles performed an impromptu concert on the roof of the Apple Records building on Abbey Road in London. Ace prevented the killing of John Lennon during this concert. Huitzilin had hoped to feed upon the psychic energy released by the violence. (PROSE: The Left-Handed Hummingbird) The Tenth Doctor and Martha Jones attempted to witness the concert but ended up in 1669 instead. (COMIC: Black Death White Life)

For several weeks in February, (PROSE: The Forgotten Son) the Great Intelligence invaded London through the Underground with an army of Robot Yeti. It manifested itself as a dangerous web which could mind control those that touched it. As the Yeti spread the web, the city was evacuated and the British Army were called in to deal with it. (TV: The Web of Fear)

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Colonel Lethbridge-Stewart encounters Robot Yeti in the London Underground. (PROSE: The Ambush!)

In late February, (PROSE: The Forgotten Son) the Second Doctor was brought to London along with his companions Jamie McCrimmon and Victoria Waterfield by the Intelligence so that the Intelligence could absorb the Doctor's mind. Albert Arnold was possessed and used to bring the Doctor to the mind-absorbing machine, but the process was interrupted by the Doctor's companions and his newfound allies Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart and Anne Travers. The Intelligence's control spheres were smashed and it dissipated, leaving London safe once again. (TV: The Web of Fear)

In early March, the British government cleaned up London to remove evidence of the invasion. Hundreds of corpses were taken to various morgues and the Yeti and control spheres were taken to the Vault.

On 3月12日, two weeks after the London Event, all traces of the invasion had been removed. The evacuated began returning and all traffic in and out of the city was back to normal.

In mid-March, a version of the Great Intelligence many centuries older than the one that the invaded London the previous month was accidentally awoken from a its hibernation in Remington Manor by Owain Vine. The Intelligence was in a severely weakened near-death state and it used the little power it had to reach out to other fragments of itself and bring them to Remington Manor. It took control of Albert Arnold's corpse and made Arnolds bring Alistair Lehtbridge-Stewart's mother Mary Gore to the Manor. It also made the employees at the Vault bring all of the technology collected from the London Event to the Manor, including the Yeti and the mind-absorbing device. Alistair followed his mother to the Manor and confronted the Intelligence just before it tried to regain its strength by absorbing Mary, Arnold, and Owain. He disrupted the process by shooting Arnold, destroying the link to the younger Intelligence and utterly destroying the older Great Intelligence. (PROSE: The Forgotten Son)

On 4月8日, the Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond, Rory Williams, River Song and Canton Everett Delaware III were hired by President Richard Nixon to investigate a young girl who kept phoning him. The Doctor traced her to a building in Florida. River and Rory discovered a passageway of ancient caves, populated with aliens whom they would forget about once they looked away. Amy shot the astronaut, thinking it was the one who would kill a future version of the Doctor in 2011, (TV: The Impossible Astronaut) though the little girl inside the suit survived. The suit served as a life support. The group eventually went on the run for several months, uncertain of how to fight these aliens. (TV: Day of the Moon)

On 5月18日, the Eighth Doctor, Sam Jones and Fitz Kreiner confronted the Revolution Man at Wembley Stadium. (PROSE: Revolution Man)


In July, after spending months on the run, the Eleventh Doctor, Amy and Roy feigned capture, while River leapt out of a building to be caught by the TARDIS, continuing their plot to take down the aliens whom they would forget about when they turned away. Canton captured one of these creatures, who claimed to be of the Silence. The Doctor interrogated it. The Doctor and River discovered the girl who had contacted Nixon had escaped from the astronaut suit. (TV: Day of the Moon)

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Apollo 11 at the Kennedy Space Center. (TV: Day of the Moon)

On 7月16日, the Saturn V rocket that held the Apollo 11 pod on its mission to the Moon was launched from the Kennedy Space Center. The Tenth Doctor watched this launch from the ground. Meanwhile, after Apollo had picked up a visual of unidentified objects, the secret agents, Spencer and Milledge, took command of Mission Control.

On 7月17日, the Doctor told off the agents for hiding an alien species' transmission just so they could "pervert a pure and innocent gesture of faith into a weapon" to win the Cold War with. The Doctor, after recording the signal at Mission Control with a dictaphone to use for later, surrendered himself to the agents. The agents knocked the Doctor out and locked him in an office. (PROSE: Blue Moon)

On 7月20日, Neil Armstrong walked on the Moon, landing in the Apollo 11 pod. (PROSE: Who Killed Kennedy, Blue Moon) the Tenth Doctor escaped his imprisonment inside Mission Control with the help of Mission Commander Cliff Boxworth. The Doctor created a visualisation of the alien language, of which an alien species had been transmitting in to contact humanity and share its knowledge, and used the symbols the TARDIS translated to get the species' attention. Before the Apollo 11 landing, the Doctor asked the aliens not to contact humanity, telling them that humanity needed to find their own way. Afterwards, the Doctor watched from a distance as Neil put his first steps on the Moon. (PROSE: Blue Moon)

Meanwhile, the Eleventh Doctor secretly attached a video of one of the Silence saying humans should kill them all on sight to the broadcast of the Moon landing, causing every person who watched the landings to post-hypnotically attack the Silence. (TV: Day of the Moon) The Second Doctor, Jamie McCrimmon and Zoe Heriot played on the beach on the Isle of Wight while most people were inside watching the moon landing. (PROSE: One Small Step) Martha Jones later claimed she and the Tenth Doctor had seen the event four times. (TV: Blink)

Circa the Moon landing, the Tenth Doctor, Martha Jones and Billy Shipton arrived in London after being touched by Weeping Angels in 2007. Working with future information given to him by Sally Sparrow, the Doctor contacted Shipton and the elderly Kathy Nightingale to arrange for messages to be passed on to Sparrow in 2007, one of which was a message recorded by the Doctor. (TV: Blink) During their waiting period, the two of them encountered the Thirteenth Doctor and her companions Ryan Sinclair, Yasmin Khan, and Graham O'Brien. The two Doctors and their companions teamed up to foil an Auton invasion. (COMIC: A Little Help from My Friends)

August & September

Between 9 and 8月10日, followers of Charles Manson murdered actor Sharon Tate and others in what would become known as the Helter Skelter killings. The Seventh Doctor theorised Huitzilin influenced the killings after his plot to have John Lennon killed in London had failed.

Between 15 and 8月17日, the Woodstock Music Festival was held in Woodstock, New York. The Doctor attended the festival twice in two incarnations. (PROSE: The Left-Handed Hummingbird)

In September, James Stevens married Natasha Stevens at the Chelsea Registry Office. (PROSE: Who Killed Kennedy)

On 9月29日, the Revolution Man cult were arrested after holding a pop festival in East Worldham. (PROSE: Revolution Man)

October - December

On 11月12日, Paul Magrs was born, and he had a dream about Dr Oho's party. (PROSE: In the Sixties, The Story of Fester Cat, Party Like it's 1979)

On 12月24日, a ceasefire was held in Vietnam for Christmas. The Third Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith visited Saigon, where they learned that an alien had crash landed in the area. (PROSE: Interesting Times)

Undated events

After serving many years in prison for war crimes, Oskar Steinmann was released due to health problems. (PROSE: Just War)

Great Britain readied its Mars Probes. (PROSE: Who Killed Kennedy)

The Slakkenkind crashed on Earth, having escaped a death sentence set by the Hunter. The Tenth Doctor and Heather McCrimmon arrived, as did the Hunter. The Hunter and the Slakkenind had a showdown as they both threatened the peace of humanity. The Doctor captured the Slakkenkind and they were taken back to their death sentence. (COMIC: The Slakken Cat)

The Second Doctor, John and Gillian encountered the Zagbors in London. (COMIC: The Zombies)

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A reference is made to 1969 on a sign in a junkyard. (TV: "An Unearthly Child")

A young woman was abducted by the Sisters of St Matilda. (AUDIO: The Cloisters of Terror)

The house at 39 Bannerman Road was demolished. (AUDIO: The Ghost House)

A sign at 76 Totter's Lane in November of 1963 made reference to the year 1969, as well as the idea of a tiger. (TV: "An Unearthly Child")
