

21世纪 | 2020年代

2016年 • 2017年 • 2018年 • 2019年 • 2020年 • 2021年 • 2023年 • 2024年 • 2025年 • 2026年 • 2027年 • 2028年

In 2022, Dan Lewis continued to travel with Yasmin Khan and the Thirteenth Doctor into this year (COMIC: Hydra's Gate) before choosing to return home. (TV: The Power of the Doctor)

Graham O'Brien established a support group for previous companions of the Doctor. The first meeting of this group was attended by Graham, Dan Lewis, Yasmin Khan, Tegan Jovanka, Ace, Mel Bush, Ian Chesterton, Kate Stewart, and Jo Jones. (TV: The Power of the Doctor)

Peter Summerfield transported himself, his mother, Jason Kane, Joseph and Sophia to the Festival of Piranha. (AUDIO: The Grel Escape)

Dated events

At the stroke of midnight on New Year's Day, the Thirteenth Doctor, Yaz, Dan, Sarah and Nick escaped a time loop from a squad of Dalek executioners. (TV: Eve of the Daleks)

On 2月2日, a Roman Empire-themed party was held. (COMIC: Hydra's Gate)

On Tuesday 3月22日, Anne Travers met with Ruby, with whom she had previously been betrayed by, and forgave her. On Saturday 5月28日, Anne died peacefully in her sleep. (PROSE: The Stories We Tell)

On 6月2日, Queen Elizabeth II celebrated her platinum Jubilee. Lucy Wilson, who was also celebrating her seventeenth birthday, was in London during the celebration, having thwarted a plan by the Zork-Morkavi-Rokosh to displace the monarch from time a few days prior. (PROSE: The Platinum Sceptre)

Undated events

St John Colchester and Dorothy McShane were placed in lockdown during their visit to a foreign dictatorship. Whilst in the hotel, McShane and Colchester worked together to break Colchester's brainwashing and take down the Unity, who were cloning an army to rise up and topple the dictatorship, which would allow them to take over the country. (AUDIO: The Red List)

This section's awfully stubby.

Only singular stories should be cited as sources, not entire series.

All of the Doctor's past companions and associates in the contemporary period died mysteriously, and were removed from all existence and memory. This would later be undone as though nothing had happened. (AUDIO: Redacted[which?])
