

21世紀 | 2060年代

2058年 • 2059年 • 2060年 • 2061年 • 2062年 • 2065年 • 2066年 • 2067年 • 2068年 • 2069年 • 2070年

In 2064, the Eighth Doctor and his companion Charley Pollard arrived in a dome in Prague in the Czech Republic on Earth. The Doctor referred to this time as a time of peace. (PROSE: War in a Time of Peace)

One account suggested that the Thal-Dalek battle took place "eighteen months" prior to 7月31日 2065, logically placing the battle (PROSE: Peaceful Thals Ambushed!) and the First Doctor's first visit to Skaro, which had directly preceded it, (TV: The Daleks) in early 2064. (PROSE: Peaceful Thals Ambushed!)

It was on 1月14日 2064 that the Ogrons invaded Tivoli, which had previously been under the control of the Hath. They were welcomed by the native Tivolians as heroes. (PROSE: Time Traveller's Diary)

In London, a Bumble caused destruction across the city. The Eleventh Doctor helped to capture it. (COMIC: Bumble of Destruction)

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