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22世紀 | 2180年代

• 2180年 • 2181年 • 2186年 • 2187年 • 2188年 • 2191年

2185 was the year that the planet New Canaan was terraformed. (PROSE: Heritage)

Behind the scenes

As related in The Doctor Who Role Playing Game: The Master, it was in 2185 AD (72,893 TL) that the Master kidnapped freedom fighter David Campbell and substituted a "Kamelion-type robot" in his place in an attempt to warp the history of Earth. In response, the Celestial Intervention Agency arranged to have two incarnations of the Doctor drawn out of the time stream to meet the threat. The two Doctors were able to combine their mental force to overcome the Master's psionic control of the robot, after which the Master escaped into Earth's 20th century.

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