

Epsilon the Eternal讨论 | 贡献2022年4月4日 (一) 22:54的版本
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In a letter dated 26 March 1865, Captain Will Johnson noted that the women of Gable had become quite taken with the young "English" Dr Smith, and were "rather disconsolate" to understand that the companions with whom Smith was anxious to reunite were, in fact, female. (PROSE: Blood and Hope)

In 1963, science teacher Ian Chesterton spent 40 minutes teaching his Coal Hill School students that "magnesium burns". Time Lord student Susan Foreman, bored with this rather obvious "revelation", had in mind to make him burn too with one of her grandfather's ever-lasting matches. It snowed that night, and the next day, she made snowmen with Gillian Roberts and John Brent. (PROSE: Time and Relative)

According to some accounts, Operation Mannequin took place on 26 March 2005. (PROSE: UNIT's Position on The London Incident, Operation Mannequin) However, according to other accounts, the Auton invasion took place on 5 March. (TV: Aliens of London, AUDIO: One Rule, PROSE: The Secret Lives of Monsters, et al.)

In 2069, the Relic landed near the Phoenix Sandbowl. (PROSE: Alien Bodies)
