4月30日 was Beltane, described by Gilbert Horner as "the greatest occult festival of the year, bar Halloween." (TV: The Dæmons; PROSE: Who Killed Kennedy)
In 1945, Adolf Hitler, the Führer of Nazi Germany, committed suicide in a bunker underneath Berlin. His new wife Eva Braun, later to bear a child by him, escaped. (PROSE: The Shadow of the Glass) The Germans were therefore forced to surrender just over a week later. (PROSE: Just War)
In 1945, on Germania I, August Hitler was born to Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun. The celebrations of his birth lasted for months and, according to official statements, he was endowed with supernatural abilities. (PROSE: Warlords of Utopia)
In 1997, Bernice Summerfield was dropped off at Smithwood Manor, the Doctor's house in Britain. (PROSE: The Dying Days)