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Moxx of Balhoon


The Moxx of Balhoon was a guest onboard Platform One.


The Moxx had two siblings, the Elth of Balhoon, (COMIC: Reunion of Fear) and the Hoxx of Balhoon. (AUDIO: The House That Hoxx Built)

In the year 5 Billion, the Moxx of Balhoon was invited to watch the destruction of Earth, representing the solicitors Jolco and Jolco. He gave the Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler the present of bodily saliva, which he then spat at Rose. He was brutally killed in the heat of the sun's expansion when Cassandra lowered the sun filters. (TV: The End of the World)


When the Tenth Doctor took the identity of John Smith, he drew a picture of the Moxx of Balhoon in A Journal of Impossible Things. (TV: Human Nature)

Whereas both the Moxx and Elth of Balhoon elected to use their chairs as a mode of transport, the Third Doctor noted that the Hoxx of Balhoon did not use his but found life without it very hard. (AUDIO: The House That Hoxx Built)

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