On 11月9日, the following important behind-the-scenes events were known to have occurred:
- 1967 - Location filming for The Enemy of the World concluded at Villiers House and Walpole Park. (TCH 11)
- 1972 - Location filming The Three Doctors took place. (REF: Doctor Who The Handbook: The Third Doctor)
- 1994 - The BBC Radio 2 audio story The Ghosts of N-Space was recorded at Maida Vale 6.
- 2004- The Big Finish audio story Dreamtime was recorded at the Moat Studios.
- 2005 - Rewrites known as a "blue revision" or "blue rewrites" were made on Attack of the Graske, or Christmas Interactive Challenge: Attack of the Graske, and on Rise of the Cybermen / The Age of Steel. For Graske this mainly gave clearer instructions on how to play the hatchery segment of the interactive adventure to younger audiences, while the rewrites on Rise and Steel covered the scenes where Jackie complained about her birthday banner, the Tenth Doctor agreeing with Rose Tyler about meeting Pete Tyler, the two at the Tylers' mansion, the Doctor at the computer terminal, Pete asking about Torchwood, the arrival of the Cybermen, and Angela Price and the Doctor inside the tunnel filled with Cybermen. (DWMSE 14)
- 2005 - The Big Finish audio story The Settling was recorded at the Moat Studios.
- 2011 - The Big Finish audio story The Emerald Tiger was recorded at the Moat Studios.
- 2015 - The Big Finish audio story Vampire of the Mind was recorded at the Moat Studios.
- 2016 - Big Finish's audio anthology The Third Doctor Adventures: Volume Three took place at the Soundhouse.
- 2018 - The Big Finish audio story Dead Woman Walking was recorded at the Soundhouse.