


DWU • 生命统计

20世纪 | 1940年代

1940年 • 1941年 • 1942年 • 1943年 • 1944年 • 1945年 • 1947年 • 1948年 • 1949年 • 1950年 • 1951年 • 1952年

In 1946, Earth was still recovering from World War II. (PROSE: The Brakespeare Voyage) The Nuremberg Trials concluded in this year. (PROSE: Just War, AUDIO: Just War)

In 1964, Sir Toby Kinsella and Jeffrey Broderick shared a bottle of single malt brewed in France during 1946 in the former's office in Whitehall. Sir Toby noted that it was the first post-World War II vintage. (AUDIO: Artificial Intelligence)

Dated events

On 5月20日, Ella Stanton was murdered by Thomas Hendron in the Bobby Gents' Manicure Lounge in Liverpool. Robert Scarratt was in the room when the murder took place, hiding behind a curtain hoping to use Ella's death as a scrying-anchor. (PROSE: The Brakespeare Voyage)

On 7月17日, Thomas Hendron was hanged at Walton Gaol. (PROSE: The Brakespeare Voyage)

In December, American soldier Xavier Simmons robbed and murdered black marketeer Ernie Evans on the steps of St Luke's Church in London. He himself was killed immediately afterwards by a Xhinn, who took his place. (PROSE: Amorality Tale)

Also in December, the Ninth Doctor investigated the case of a sound creature hunting down Artie Berger in Paris. He eventually trapped it in a bottle and disposed of it in the Time Vortex. (AUDIO: Fright Motif)

At Christmas, the First Doctor, Steven Taylor and Sara Kingdom visited 1946 as they unknowingly followed Robert's distress signal. (PROSE: The Little Drummer Boy)

Undated events

Elizabeth "Lizzie" Lewis was born to Mabel Ann Lewis. (TV: Ghost Machine)

Freddie Mercury was born. (AUDIO: Whatever Happened to Iris Wildthyme?)

According to the Twelfth Doctor's sonic sunglasses, Secretary General of the United Nations, who held this position in 2017, was born either in 1946 or in 1947. (TV: The Pyramid at the End of the World)
