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26世紀 | 2590年代

2593年 • 2594年 • 2595年 • 2596年 • 2597年 • 2600年 • 2601年 • 2602年 • 2603年 • 2604年 • 2605年

2599 was a year of some importance to Bernice Summerfield. During the year, Benny moved to KS-159 to take up her new position as the Braxiatel Collection's staff archaeologist. (PROSE: A Question of Identity, Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Doomsday Manuscript) Later, the New Year's Eve party at the Braxiatel Collection was interrupted by murder. Also, Benny received Joseph as a gift from Irving Braxiatel. (PROSE: Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Doomsday Manuscript)

It was also the year of one account of her death on 10月31日. She was subsequently buried in the catacombs of the Cathedral of Vremnya. However, as similar tombs were also seen on Mars and in the Kalkravian asteroid belt, Benny herself, undercover in the 46th century, questioned the validity of this version of history. (PROSE: Paydirt)

A New Year's Eve party at the Braxiatel Collection was interrupted by murder. (PROSE: The Doomsday Manuscript)

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